Dear Friend of FFF:
Americans are now recognizing the terrible threat to our freedom and well-being posed by ever-increasing spending, debt, and inflation. At the same time, people are questioning the never-ending occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. With the approaching midterm elections in November, these issues are certain to be in the forefront of public debate and discussion.
We want to seize this opportunity to spread our libertarian perspectives to more people.
Our primary vehicle for introducing people to libertarian principles has become our daily FFF Email Update, which we have now been sending for free to subscribers for eight years. From the beginning, our goal has been to make this one of the finest daily libertarian commentary pages on the Internet.
Every day, we are at here at work at 6 a.m. to compile the finest libertarian articles to share with people. These consist of FFF’s pure, no-compromise articles, op-eds, and blog posts, and libertarian commentaries from mainstream publications as well as other libertarian organizations. We consider our daily FFF Email Update so important that we now devote a very large percentage of our time and resources to its production.
It has been four years since we had our last media-outreach campaign. Your support back in 2006 enabled us to hire a public relations firm, which succeeded in getting me on radio shows all across the country to spread libertarian ideas.
We believe that the time is right to do another media-outreach campaign, especially given that so many people are now questioning the federal government’s socialist and interventionist policies. We want to share with people our diagnosis of the big-spending, big-debt, big-taxation problem — that it is America’s welfare-warfare programs that are the root of the problem and that it’s only libertarianism that will restore a free, prosperous, harmonious, and peaceful society to our land.
Of course, at every radio appearance, not only will I be talking about the moral foundations of libertarianism, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, I will also be offering listeners a subscription to our free daily FFF Email Update, with the aim of bringing them to a deeper exploration of libertarian principles.
As we have long emphasized here at FFF, the key to defeating the statists and restoring liberty to our land lies in the power of ideas. Libertarianism has never been so popular. We want to build on that. The farther and wider we spread libertarian ideas, the greater our chances for success.
Will you help us with this project? Your donation, large or small, will not only help pay for the ever-increasing production costs of our daily FFF Email Update, it will also help us to place it in the email boxes of radio listeners all across the country.
Thank you for your great support of freedom and The Future of Freedom Foundation.
Jacob G. Hornberger
P.S. In gratitude for your donation, in any amount, we will send you a special FFF keychain flashlight to help light up the darkness that has enveloped our nation!
P.P.S. A donation of $250 or more makes you a member of our FFF Freedom Club, whose members receive by email a monthly video message from me in which I analyze libertarian issues and talk about recent FFF activities.