The Future of Freedom Foundation is one of the most important organizations in the liberty movement. FFF does great work educating the public in the principles of free-market economics, individual liberty, and a noninterventionist foreign policy. — Congressman Ron Paul
During the social hour after a recent meeting of our Economic Liberty Lecture series, a student posted a message on Facebook saying, “Sitting at a table with Robert Higgs, Peter Boettke, Steve Horwitz, and Walter Williams. Life is good.” The student is a member of the George Mason University Economics Society, a student-run group with whom we are co-sponsoring our lecture series, a group whose members have real fire in the belly for libertarianism.
I cannot tell you how exciting and gratifying it has been for FFF to co-sponsor one of the best series of liber-tarian lectures in the history of the libertarian movement. Such luminaries as Pete Boettke, Jim Bovard, Tom DiLorenzo, Bruce Fein, Lew Rockwell, Bob Higgs, Larry Reed, Steve Horwitz, Jeff Miron, Sheldon Richman, and Richard Ebeling are sharing timeless and inspirational moral and economic truths with students and FFF supporters about socialism, fascism, bailouts, stimulus plans, welfare spending, military spending, inflation, the dollar, the Great Depression, the New Deal, and the Constitution. Moreover, the videos of the lectures are posted on the Conference Classroom section of our website, enabling people all over world to watch them.
That’s what we do here at FFF: we inject solid, uncompromising principles of freedom into the marketplace of ideas because we firmly believe that that is what the restoration of liberty ultimately depends on. When people have a sound understanding of the principles of freedom, they know the direction in which society must head. That’s why our work at FFF, which depends on your support, continues to be so vital.
Great movements inevitably begin with a small number of people. As that core group begins sharing fundamental principles with others, the movement grows. Ultimately, a critical mass is reached, at which point the society shifts in favor of the new paradigm.
Did you ever think you’d see the day when a book calling for the elimination of the engine of inflation and monetary chaos, the Federal Reserve, would hit the New York Times bestseller list? Yet, that’s what Ron Paul’s new book, End the Fed, has done.
Did you ever think you’d see the day when ordinary people would protest the socialism of the federal government? Yet, that’s what they have been doing at the TEA Party protests.
Did you ever think you’d see the day when a cable news network would sponsor a show that features primarily libertarian commentators and analysts? Yet, that’s what Fox News is doing with Judge Andrew Napolitano’s exciting Internet show “Freedom Watch,” on which I am now appearing as a regular commentator and on which FFF’s program director Bart Frazier recently appeared. In fact, check out the exciting first-ever live Internet broadcast of “Freedom Watch,” which took place at Drexel University on October 28 and on which I had the good fortune to appear.
Did you ever think you’d see the day when mainstream newspapers, policemen, prosecutors, and judges were calling for an end to the war on drugs? Yet, that’s what is happening.
We continue doing our best to ensure that our monthly journal, Freedom Daily, is filled with insightful and uncompromising perspectives on liberty, and we continue striving to make our daily FFF Email Update the finest daily libertarian commentary page on the Internet. I write a daily article on my blog page and I post liberty tweets on Twitter. In the past 12 months, we have had 484,205 unique visitors (different computers) access our website.
Our op-ed program continues to target newspapers all across America. Our op-eds have been published more than 700 times in the past 12 months; one of them, a recent piece by Sheldon Richman criticizing President Obama’s health-care plan, was published in the Christian Science Monitor. Given that our perspectives are always pure and uncompromising libertarianism, we consider all this very encouraging and exciting.
We recently hosted an event for Andy Worthington, FFF policy advisor and author of The Guantánamo Files, which featured his new film documentary on the war on terrorism.
Thanks to the generous help of our supporters, our new booklet, “Economic Liberty and the Constitution,” is almost ready for distribution. This essay describes our heritage of economic liberty, tells how it was lost, and explains why it is such an important part of freedom.
Sure, things are bad. Under the Obama administration, federal spending, taxes, welfare, borrowing, debt, and regulation continue spiraling out of control. The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan continue. The infringements on civil liberties go on. The Federal Reserve is expanding the money supply by unprecedented amounts. The value of the dollar is plunging.
Yet, amidst all the darkness, chaos, and crises is the bright, shining light of libertarianism! We are proud and excited to be part of this grand movement!
Can we prevail? Can libertarianism become the prevailing philosophy in America? Is it really possible to restore a free-market, limited-government republic to our land?
You bet it is! We just need to keep spreading sound perspectives on liberty in the marketplace of ideas. If you like our message on liberty, please let us know. Our work in the coming year depends on your generous support. I hope you believe we have earned it.
Yours for liberty,
Jacob Hornberger
P.S. I hope you’ll consider joining our new FFF Freedom Club with a minimum donation of $250. By email you will receive an exclusive monthly video message by me on the principles of liberty along with a sturdy FFF canvas tote bag (14”h x 18”w x 7” gusset with a snap closure and a front pocket).
P.P.S. I hope you’ll consider Christmas gift subscriptions to your friends and relatives: those subscriptions add up and help us financially. Also, keep in mind that since FFF is a tax-exempt educational foundation, donations are tax-deductible. Finally, please keep us in mind in your planned giving; over the years, bequests have been a tremendous help to us.