Amidst all the U.S. government outrage over Fidel Castro’s tyrannical treatment of Cuban citizens, U.S. officials unfortunately remain steadfastly committed to working with Castro to forcibly repatriate Cuban refugees back into Castro’s communist tyranny. For that matter, how many U.S. officials who are now claiming to have had a longtime, heartfelt urge to free the Iraqi people from tyranny — the same Iraqi people who have suffered from 13 years of U.S.-government-enforced economic sanctions that have killed an estimated half-a-million Iraqi children — openly endorsed the idea of letting Iraqis simply escape Saddam Hussein’s tyranny by freely emigrating to the United States? Instead, the official U.S. policy now is: “We don’t want you people coming over here polluting our culture but we do love you so much that we’re going to ‘free’ you by attacking and invading your country, killing and maiming thousands of your citizens, and watching glassy-eyed as your national culture and heritage are plundered and looted.”
We Want to Free You . . . but Just Don’t Come Here