“Wanting to crack down even more on American taxpayers, the IRS is asking for a budget increase. Last Sunday’s New York Times reported that President Clinton is proposing a 9% increase (which would be the agency’s largest budget increase in 13 years) and that Congressional Republicans like the idea. After all, despite all the hoopla about that big, bad IRS, excessive taxation, and a taxpayer bill of rights, both Democrats and Republicans recognize that the income tax is the jugular vein of their beloved socialistic welfare state. The best line was by IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti, who explained that the decline in IRS enforcement threatened to “undermine our entire system of *voluntary* tax compliance.” Voluntary? Is this guy for real or does he just admire Orwell? Rossotti probably thinks it’s “voluntary” when the Mafia says, “Give us your money or lose our protection.” Come to think of it, what’s the difference between Rossotti and his gang and Gotti and his?”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Voluntary Taxes?”