“It’s hard to say whether Elian Gonzalez’s father would defect to the United States if he were free to do so. Some Cubans do indeed like living in a society where there is free public schooling through college, free health care, total gun control, and strict drug laws and in which everyone is guaranteed a job (with the government). We don’t know whether Juan Miguel Gonzalez is among them because he is being carefully held in custody at the home of the Cuban official who is in charge of the Cuban Interest Section in Washington, D.C. The disgrace is that American governmental officials are cooperating in this charade by remaining silent about it. They should instead be screaming from the rooftops for the Cuban officials to let Gonzalez travel freely in Washington and anywhere else he wants. After all, this is America, not Cuba, isn’t it? But unfortunately, the Clinton administration’s policy of forcible repatriation of Cuban citizens into communist tyranny has effectively made U.S. government officials, including Janet Reno, heroic agents of Fidel Castro’s policy that prohibits Cubans from leaving Cuba. Why should Castro worry about Cubans leaving his communist paradise when he knows that Clinton and Reno will forcibly return them to him?”