“Federal Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has issued his long-awaited judgment, ordering the breakup of Microsoft into two companies. Jackson wrote, “Microsoft as it is presently organized and led is unwilling to accept the notion that it broke the law or accede to an order amending its conduct. There is credible evidence to suggest that Microsoft, convinced of its innocence, continues to do business as it has in the past” In other words, if Bill Gates and Microsoft had fallen to their knees, begged forgiveness, and kissed the feet of government officials, Judge Penfield might not have imposed such a harsh remedy. Why, if Bill Gates had ratted on one of his buddies, a long-respected custom within federal circles, perhaps Jackson would have let Microsoft off scot-free. Jackson is once again urging Microsoft to settle the case out of court, even suggesting that he would accept an agreement that would not involve a breakup of the company. How nice, but if a breakup is necessary to protect the American people, as Jackson has suggested, how could he justify a settlement that did not include a breakup? May Gates and Microsoft fight these people to the end, regardless of the outcome, if for no other reason than to inspire the rest of us to stand up against big tyrants like the Justice Department and little tyrants like Jackson.”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Microsoft Ordered Broken Up”