“Both George W. Bush and Al Gore have declared illiteracy a ‘national emergency.’ What better indictment of the results of public schooling? After all, throughout the 20th century, Americans were required, under pain of fine and imprisonment, to send their children to a government-approved school. To comply with the law, most parents chose to subject their children to ‘public’ (that is, government) schools. So, why the ‘national emergency’? What is the Gore’s and Bush’s solution? You guessed it — more federal tax-and-spend for more educational welfare at the local level. Why do so many literate people have such unswerving devotion to such failed government programs as public schooling and such an aversion to a free market in education? Perhaps the answer lies in those public school classroom, lectures, and textbooks. Yes, illiteracy may be a problem but isn’t a mind irretrievably lost through government indoctrination worse?
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Illiteracy Emergency”