“The Clinton administration’s program to confiscate weapons in Kosovo provides powerful evidence of why Americans should be opposing gun-control efforts in the United States. There is one and only one reason that weapons are being confiscated in Kosovo: obedience. A disarmed populace is an obedient populace. Moreover, notice how U.S. troops are effecting the confiscation program — they are entering people’s homes and businesses without warrants and without permission to search the premises and seize the guns. ‘But the U.S. Constitution doesn’t apply in Kosovo,’ the advocates of gun confiscation would reply. That’s true, but the warrantless searches and seizures reflect the mindset of Clinton and his cohorts and why the Constitution, and specifically the Second and Fourth Amendments, is such a powerful protection for the American people. After all, as history has shown, government officials who thirst for obedience inevitably extend that thirst to their own citizenry.”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Gun Control in Kosovo”