“Colorado state senator John Andrews is proposing a law requiring public schools to have a moment of silence and to post the Ten Commandments. As the very model of a governmental, socialistic program, public schooling, with its compulsory-attendance laws and school taxes, is contrary to our heritage of liberty. It’s bad enough that kids are forced to attend these governmental institutions and receive indoctrination on non-religious matters. But to use school compulsory-attendance laws as a way to slip religious indoctrination into the mix is disgraceful. You know better, John! Don’t use your political position to force religion into the public schools. Instead, fight to get rid of public schooling itself. [Note: More on this subject in both the ‘For Students Only’ and ‘For Conservatives Only’ subsections of the ‘Restricted Viewing'” section of FFF’s website https://www.fff.org)]”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Federally Mandated Religion”