“Janet Reno says that Elian Gonzalez is better off at Andrews Air Force Base than he was in the home of the Miami relatives because in Miami, he was subjected to an artificial world of hundreds of Cuban-American visitors and dozens of news-media reporters. Now, let me see if I understand this correctly. A six-year-boy is treated to dozens of people coming by his home, visiting with him, and playing with him, and that’s supposed to be bad? Or maybe it was meeting famous stars like Gloria Estefan and Andy Garcia that was so harmful to him. My question is: Which six-year-old kid wouldn’t find all of this terribly fun and exciting? The boy is now with his father, but they are both now isolated on a government-owned, government-controlled, and government-monitored military installation which regular Americans, including protestors and newspaper reporters, are not permitted to enter.(Aren’t military bases “public” property?) Reno says that the boy is now in a more natural environment. She’s got that one right! After all, what better way to acclimate someone who is being returned to Cuba to live?”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Elian’s Move to Andrews”