“Libertarians are often challenged by statists on two points: first, whether it would be morally proper to terminate such government programs as public schooling, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and public housing for the poor, as libertarians argue should be done. And second, that an immediate termination of such programs would result in a dangerous upheaval in American society. American statists will be comforted to know that Cuban statists feel exactly the same way. According to the Washington Post, Cuban immigrants who recently reached American shores said, “There are fears [among the Cuban people] expressed in relation to losing free health care, jobs, and free education. The number one fear of Cubans on the island is that chaos and violence may prevail after a precipitous change in government.” Isn’t it fascinating how statists everywhere share the same fear of freedom? Of course, what the Cubans have going for them is that at least they know what socialism is. American statists continue believing that cradle-to-grave governmental security is freedom and free enterprise.”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Cuban and American Statists Think Alike”