“The U.S. government is warning American citizens to beware of “terrorist” attacks all over the world, including the U.S. Our government has attacked and bombed people in Iraq, Serbia, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, and many others. Today, we have embargoes against Cuba and Iraq, which are creating misery and death for innocent children. All this without any declarations of war, as required by the Constitution. Why are these actions considered legitimate “acts of war” while retaliatory counterattacks are considered illegitimate “acts of terrorism”? The other problem is that with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. government affirmed the principle that it is okay to target civilians in retaliation for the warlike actions of their government. So, unfortunately, the so-called terrorists target us — the American people — for the wrongful actions of our government. I don’t know about you but I’m hanging a sign outside my office building that says, ‘I stand against what the U.S. government has done and is doing to people around the world. Don’t bomb this building!'”
U.S. Acts of Terrorism
Categories: Foreign Policy & War, War on Terrorism