Crocodile Tears for Women’s Rights in Afghanistan by Jacob G. Hornberger September 2, 2021 Interventionist dead-enders are crying crocodile tears over the Taliban’s defeat of the Pentagon and the CIA in Afghanistan because, they say, women’s rights are not likely to be protected by the Taliban. Oh? Well, now let’s see. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, civilian deaths in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2001 to ...
Public-School Reform Follies by Jacob G. Hornberger September 1, 2021 I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head this morning as I read two articles about public-schooling reform in California. Both appeared in the Los Angeles Times. One is an editorial taking the California recall election candidates to task for not coming up with a reform plan that will finally — finally! — fix California’s ...
The Blame Game is On by Jacob G. Hornberger August 31, 2021 The blame game in the Afghanistan debacle is now in full swing. Most of the critics are blaming President Biden for the debacle. For them, he has become the Scapegoat in Chief. Others are blaming Trump and Obama, the former for cutting a deal with the Taliban to end the 20-year U.S. occupation and the latter for his ...
The Ballot-Barrier Racket by Jacob G. Hornberger August 30, 2021 For many years now, the Republican and Democrat parties have enacted and enforced an array of rules and restrictions on the ability of third-party candidates to run for public office. The nature of the restrictions varies from state to state, but the most notable of them involves petitioning requirements. Third-party candidates are required to secure the signatures of ...
The U.S. Government vs. the United States by Jacob G. Hornberger August 27, 2021 Advocates of empire and interventionism are saying that even given the debacle in Afghanistan, America should not “retreat” from the world. Even though our nation has lost "credibility" in the world, they say, it is imperative that the United States continue to project power and influence around the world. To do otherwise, they say, would create a “vacuum” ...
The Evil and Cynicism of Federal Foreign “Donations” by Jacob G. Hornberger August 26, 2021 Vice President Harris went to Vietnam this week, where she announced the pending delivery of a “donation” of two million vaccine doses to that communist regime. Apparently the idea is to show how good, caring, and benevolent the U.S. government is. Now, don’t be cynical. This “donation” has absolutely nothing to do with the U.S. ...
An Old Soldier’s Denial on Afghanistan by Jacob G. Hornberger August 25, 2021 In a letter to the Los Angeles Times regarding the Afghanistan debacle, Stephen Sloane, a retired captain in the U.S. Navy who served in the Vietnam War, is a perfect demonstration of how so many people, especially in the military, live lives of denial when it comes to foreign interventionism. Addressing Marines who served ...
Will The JFK Assassination Cover-Up Continue in October? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 24, 2021 After President Kennedy’s assassination, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service, for some reason, deemed it necessary to keep their records and activities relating to the assassination secret from the American people. "National security,” they said, which didn’t seem to make much sense given the official scenario that a lone-nut communist former U.S Marine had killed the ...
The LA Times Blows Warm Air on Homelessness by Jacob G. Hornberger August 23, 2021 In an editorial on the homelessness problem in California, the Los Angeles Times says that the recall candidates opposing California Gov. Gavin Newsom are doing nothing more than blowing hot air with their silly proposals. The Times is right. But the problem is that the Times itself is blowing some warm air when it comes ...
The Meaning of Open Borders by Jacob G. Hornberger August 20, 2021 Guests on conservative Fox News are going nuts over what they are calling President Biden’s “open borders” policy. One recent example was Stephen Miller, a former Trump advisor, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, where he lamented Biden’s supposed “open-border policies.” Another was Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who appeared on Fox and Friends, where ...
Feeling Sorry for College Students by Jacob G. Hornberger August 19, 2021 An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times makes me feel sorry for many college students, at least many of those who take economics courses in their respective schools. In fact, the op-ed even causes me to feel sorry for the people at mainstream newspapers who decide which op-eds to publish in their papers. The op-ed in ...
A Better Direction Entails Fundamental Change by Jacob G. Hornberger August 18, 2021 With the Taliban defeat of the U.S. military in Afghanistan, the temptation will be to engage only in “smart” interventions in the future. You can already see this in the countless articles and commentaries about the Afghan debacle, both in the mainstream press and on the Internet. Most of the critiques revolve around how the the war and ...