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Hornberger's Blog

The Root of TSA Tyranny Is U.S. Foreign Policy

LewRockwell.com has recently been linking to a spate of articles condemning TSA’s airport security operations, including the agency’s enthusiastic embrace of body scanners: TSA Porno-Scanners: What They’re Really Looking by Claire Wolfe TSA Resistance Taking Off: Are the Elitist Airlines Worried, Yet? by Robert Wenzel Knee-Jerk Alert: TSA Bans Printer Cartridges … World Is Now Safer by ...

The CIA Is the Law

Whenever people raise evidence of CIA wrongdoing, deception, and cover-ups, mainstream statists immediately respond with, “Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory”! The statist mindset is one that is best reflected by the word “Inconceivable!” To mainstream statists, it is simply inconceivable that the CIA would engage in wrongdoing, lying, and cover-ups. In their minds, the agency is “exceptional” in that it ...

Liberals, Conservatives, and Libertarians: What’s the Difference?

People sometimes ask what the differences are between liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. The primary differences are moral and philosophical. Libertarians believe that people should be free to live their lives any way they choose, so long as their conduct is peaceful. Liberals and conservatives believe that people should be free to live their lives any way they choose, so long as ...