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Hornberger's Blog

For International Friendships, Dismantle the Military Empire

The U.S. government has an un-American way of making friends in foreign affairs, one that the American people should abandon once and for all. It’s a method of friendship based on militarism, extortion, bribery, and military mercantilism. Concerned about the rising tide of friendly relationships that China is establishing with countries in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere, the U.S. government ...

Continuing to Support Egypt’s Dictatorship

Month after month, the U.S. government continues to disburse $1.3 billion in annual U.S. taxpayer money to Egypt’s military dictatorship. The justification for this is twofold: “national security” and to help Egypt’s “transition to democracy.” The first rationale — national security — is ridiculous. “National security” is nothing more than the old bromide that is trotted out to justify whatever ...