Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and My Lai Were War Crimes by Jacob G. Hornberger August 3, 2015 On the 70th anniversary of the U.S. government’s nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are still people coming out in favor of the bombings. They’re saying that since the bombings shortened the war by bringing a quick surrender of Japan in World War II, the targeting of those two cities was morally and legally justified, especially since it ...
Medicare Is a Cancer on the Body Politic by Jacob G. Hornberger July 31, 2015 Not surprisingly, liberals are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Medicare, the socialistic healthcare program that was established under the political regime of President Lyndon Johnson. A good example is New York Times liberal columnist Paul Krugman, who wrote a piece a few days ago entitled “Zombies Against Medicare,” in which he extolled this governmental program. Krugman writes: Before the program ...
Immigration Socialism or the Free Market? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 30, 2015 If it’s presidential campaign season, then it’s time for the periodic furor over immigration. Many Americans are once again pacing the floors at night over the invasion by the illegals that is threatening to destroy America. I sometimes wonder how many people have gotten gray hair because of the immigration “crisis.” Among my favorite political bromides is, “The immigration system ...
Dealing with the Cops by Jacob G. Hornberger July 29, 2015 Everyone has to do some serious soul-searching when it comes to dealing with the cops. This is especially true for African-Americans, given that police departments seem to have attracted a disproportionate share of racial bigots to that line of work. But it’s also true for everyone else, given that the police have effectively been given a license to kill ...
How to Deal with China by Jacob G. Hornberger July 28, 2015 The New York Times recently carried a story detailing China’s increasing economic clout around the world, brought about by billions of dollars in cash and grandiose socialist projects in targeted countries. Focusing on Ecuador, a country whose government several years ago forced the U.S. government to close its foreign military base there, the article points out how China ...
Was Donald Trump Right About John McCain? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 27, 2015 Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump set off a firestorm within the conservative community by suggesting that former Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator John McCain shouldn’t be considered a war hero just for being captured during the Vietnam War. Apparently Trump has survived the firestorm because he’s still topping the Republican polls. In creating the controversy, however, Trump missed the ...
Donald Trump Visits My Hometown! by Jacob G. Hornberger July 24, 2015 Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump just visited my hometown of Laredo, Texas! Not surprisingly, Trump entered Laredo filled with fear. I say “not surprisingly” because Republicans live their lives filled with fear. Communists! Terrorists! Muslims! Illegal aliens! Drug dealers! Bin Laden! Saddam! Ho Chi Minh! Republicans are convinced that they’re all coming to get us. Knees are always a’knockin’ ...
Don’t Some Libertarians Favor Immigration Controls? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 23, 2015 I recently received a good question about libertarianism and open borders: Aren’t there some libertarians who favor immigration controls? If so, doesn’t that preclude anyone from saying that libertarians favor open borders? The answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second question is no. The fact that some libertarians favor immigration controls is irrelevant in determining ...
Much To Do About Nothing Over El Chapo by Jacob G. Hornberger July 22, 2015 Not surprisingly, U.S. officials are hopping mad over the prison escape in Mexico of notorious drug lord Joaquin Guzman, also known as El Chapo. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is especially upset since it had high hopes of having El Chapo extradited to the United States to serve out a long jail sentence for drug-law violations. DEA Deputy Administrator ...
Libertarianism and Open Immigration by Jacob G. Hornberger July 21, 2015 The core principle of libertarianism is the non-aggression principle. It holds that it is morally wrong to initiate force against another person. That means no murder, rape, theft, burglary, trespass, or other acts of violence (or fraud) against others. Or another way to put it is: A person should be free to do whatever he wants in life, so ...
Motive in Chattanooga by Jacob G. Hornberger July 20, 2015 Mainstream pundits are struggling to discover the motive of 24-year old Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, the man who attacked two military recruiting centers in Chattanooga, killing four Marines, and who then got killed in a shoot-out with police. Permit me to hazard a guess: Abdulazeez was motivated by rage over the U.S. government’s killing of people in the Middle East, many ...
Operation Jade Helm and Texas “Paranoia” by Jacob G. Hornberger July 17, 2015 Mainstream statists are yucking it up over the so-called paranoia of Texas citizens who are concerned about the U.S. military’s giant training exercise in the Southwest called Operation Jade Helm. “Yuck, yuck,” the statists are exclaiming. “Those paranoid Texans!” The statist idea, of course, is that the military is our friend — our protector — our god. The military establishment ...