Serfdom Reform vs. Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger April 9, 2024 One of the fascinating phenomena in the libertarian movement for the last several decades has been the division of libertarians into those who have decided to settle for advocating welfare-warfare-state reform and those of us who have decided to continue trying to achieve liberty. The reformers have thrown in the towel with respect to achieving liberty. They have ...
A Great New Book on the JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger April 8, 2024 A great new book on the U.S. national-security establishment’s assassination of President John F. Kennedy has recently been published. It is entitled The Final Analysis by David W. Mantik and Jerome R. Corsi. Longtime supporters of The Future of Freedom Foundation might recognize Mantik’s name. That’s because he was one of the speakers at our online ...
The Pentagon’s Killing Machine in Ukraine by Jacob G. Hornberger April 4, 2024 The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that the Ukrainian government is lowering the draft age for Ukrainian men from 27 to 25. The measure is “part of an effort to bolster its depleted armed forces after two years of fighting Russia’s invasion and facing renewed assaults.” According to the Journal, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “said in ...
The Zapruder Film in the Octopus Murders by Jacob G. Hornberger April 3, 2024 According to a March 6, 2024, article in Forbes magazine, the new Netflix series “American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders” was watched 3.9 million times the previous week “to become one of the streamer’s most-watched shows.” Released on February 28, it was “viewed for 14.5 million hours to become the fourth-most popular show on Netflix from Feb. ...
Absorbing Half of Mexico Altered American Culture by Jacob G. Hornberger April 2, 2024 Proponents of America’s system of immigration controls lament what they say are “invaders” crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and entering the United States. Many of them say that this “invasion” is a conspiracy to alter the culture of the United States in a Hispanic direction. Ironically, very few, if any, of these anti-invaders ever condemn what the U.S. government ...
Immigration, Freedom, and the Price System by Jacob G. Hornberger April 1, 2024 Rightwing proponents of America’s socialist system of immigration controls claim that foreign citizens should not be able to enter the United States without “permission.” They are referring to the need to secure “permission” from two entities — the federal government and the private sector. In making their “permission” argument to justify America’s socialist system of immigration controls, conservatives ...
The Schengen Area’s Open Borders by Jacob G. Hornberger March 29, 2024 In a blog post at Marginal Revolution, Alex Tabarrok has an interesting reminder of the virtues of open borders in Europe. Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University, which arguably is the best free-market, Austrian economics department in the country. He is also the Bartley J. Madden Chair in Economics at ...
Does Social Security Demonstrate “Compassion”? by Jacob G. Hornberger March 27, 2024 I’m always fascinated by people, including libertarians, who convince themselves that they are being good, caring, and compassionate by advocating the continuation of Social Security. Claiming that it would be heartless to suddenly terminate this program, they say that the moral thing to do is continue the program for at least one generation. Of course, we all know ...
Serfdom under the TSA by Jacob G. Hornberger March 26, 2024 By now, I’m sure that most Americans have their own personal stories about TSA abuse. The U.S. government’s takeover of airport security after the 9/11 attacks has made flying an unpleasant experience. This past weekend, I was flying back to Virginia. A TSA agent took my carry-on suitcase aside and opened it up. She then pulled out a ...
A Great Book on the U.S. Empire by Jacob G. Hornberger March 25, 2024 Martin Luther King called the U.S. government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.” No one can reasonably deny that he was right. U.S. invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, coups, regime-change operations, inciting and provoking wars and conflicts, sanctions, embargoes, and state-sponsored assassinations have all contributed to what amounts to a massive death toll among foreign citizens. ...
CIA Secrecy on JFK Points to Criminal Culpability by Jacob G. Hornberger March 21, 2024 More than 30 years ago, Congress enacted the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. Enacted in the wake of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, which posited that the Kennedy assassination was a regime-change operation on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, the law mandated that all the assassination-related records of the Pentagon, the CIA, ...
Has the U.S. Seizure of Russian Assets Boomeranged? by Jacob G. Hornberger March 19, 2024 After the Pentagon, operating through NATO, succeeded in provoking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. official and their allies seized $300 billion in Russian assets. The seizers are now talking about giving the loot to Ukrainian officials, who would then use it to buy armaments and ammunition from U.S. “defense” contractors. Meanwhile, the news media is reporting that central ...