Defenders of the Israeli Government Encourage Antisemitism by Jacob G. Hornberger May 1, 2024 American universities are besieged by students protesting their schools’ investments in U.S. suppliers of weaponry to the Israeli government, which Israeli officials are using to carry out their military campaign in Gaza. Some universities are now calling in riot police to break up the protests as well as suspending or expelling the protestors. Some university officials and their ...
George Alan Kelly’s Mistrial Is No License to Kill Migrants by Jacob G. Hornberger April 30, 2024 Prior to jury deliberations in the trial of Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly, the man charged with killing an illegal Mexican migrant named Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, I wrote about the case in an article entitled, “Don’t Kill Migrant ‘Invaders.’” In my article, I pointed out the free legal advice that I have given over the years to ...
Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the JFK Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger April 29, 2024 Ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a question has naturally arisen: What role, if any, did Vice-President Lyndon Johnson play in the assassination? With the publication of Douglas P. Horne’s massive 5-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, the national-security establishment’s role in the assassination has now been established beyond a reasonable ...
Seven Flags Over Laredo by Jacob G. Hornberger April 26, 2024 Most everyone is familiar with the slogan “Six Flags Over Texas,” especially since it is the name of a big theme park in Arlington, Texas. The slogan signifies that the flags of six different nations have flown over Texas: the flags of Spain, Mexico, France, Texas, the Confederacy, and the United States. Less well-known is that seven flags ...
What’s Good About Aid to Ukraine and Israel? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 25, 2024 Advocates of foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel are patting themselves on the back after the passage of a $95 billion bill that includes $61 billion to Ukraine and $26 billion to Israel. They’re saying that such aid demonstrates how good, caring, and compassionate America is. In the case of Israel, the aid supposedly demonstrates that America is ...
A Warped View of Patriotism on Pat Tillman by Jacob G. Hornberger April 24, 2024 A recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times demonstrates what is a warped interpretation of the term “patriotism.” The op-ed is about former football player Pat Tillman, who was killed in Afghanistan twenty years ago. It’s written by Bill Dwyre, a former sports editor for the Times. Dwyre reminds us that Tillman was motivated to ...
Our Drug-War Daddy by Jacob G. Hornberger April 23, 2024 At the heart of the decades-long war on drugs is the notion that the federal government is people’s daddy. One of the purposes of a daddy is to keep his children from doing bad things. One of the most important parts of being a daddy is to prevent children from doing bad things to themselves, such as putting ...
Don’t Kill Migrant “Invaders” by Jacob G. Hornberger April 18, 2024 For the last few years, advocates of immigration controls have claimed, with all seriousness, that migrants who enter the United States illegally are “invaders.” Whenever I receive an email from them, I give them free legal advice: Don’t kill the “invaders." After all, in a war in which one nation has invaded another nation, under international law the ...
How About Just Cracking Down to Win the Drug War? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 17, 2024 The drug war, as most everyone knows has been going on a long time — decades! It’s just your standard government program. It keeps going and going no matter how much failure, death, and destruction it produces. For example, when I returned to my hometown of Laredo, Texas, in 1975 to practice law, the drug war was going ...
The National-Security Branch Rules the Roost by Jacob G. Hornberger April 16, 2024 If there is anything that confirms that the national-security branch of the federal government rules the roost within the federal governmental structure, it is the Pentagon/CIA torture and indefinite-detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. That facility stands as an ongoing testament to the overarching power of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA within America’s governmental structure and ...
End the Drug War in Oregon, Both State and Federal by Jacob G. Hornberger April 15, 2024 Three years ago, in a citizen’s initiative approved by 3/4 of voters, Oregon decriminalized the possession of small amounts of illicit drugs. Last month, the Oregon governor signed into law a measure that undid what the people of Oregon had decided. The reason for this change in direction was that there were severe problems that arose with decriminalization. ...
Fauci! Fauci! Fauci! by Jacob G. Hornberger April 11, 2024 During the Covid crisis, the cry from Covid critics was incessant: “Fauci! Fauci! Fauci!” Fauci was a liar. Fauci was a killer. Fauci was evil. Fauci had to go if we were to regain our healthcare freedom. Well, Fauci is gone. He is no longer head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the ...