Remembering Those Who Died for Our Government by Jacob G. Hornberger May 28, 2024 Each Memorial Day, countless Americans recite the standard mantra that has been inculcated within their minds from the first grade of the public (i.e., government) schools to which their parents were forced to send them: American soldiers who died in America’s wars died to protect our freedoms and defend our country. Each Memorial Day, it is worth reminding ...
Drug-War Obtuseness in Mexico by Jacob G. Hornberger May 23, 2024 In the final debate between Mexico’s two leading presidential candidates, Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez, before the June 2 election, both candidates vied with each other as to which one would be a stronger drug warrior. Both of them vowed to smash the violent drug cartels that dominate Mexican society. It would be difficult to find a better ...
Closer to Nuclear War by Jacob G. Hornberger May 17, 2024 I can’t help but wonder what proponents of America’s participation in the old Cold War dinosaur known as NATO are thinking about NATO officials who are contemplating sending NATO military personnel into Ukraine to train Ukrainian troops in their war against Russia. Those who relish the idea of nuclear war between the United States and Russia undoubtedly must ...
Where Is the Compassion in Social Security? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 16, 2024 One of the things that has long fascinated me about Social Security is how its proponents portray themselves as “caring and compassionate” for favoring this socialist program. Social Security, like all other welfare-state programs, uses the coercive apparatus of the federal government — specifically taxation on income — to take money from younger people to give it to ...
The WSJ Misses the Real Point on Chinese Tyranny by Jacob G. Hornberger May 15, 2024 A couple of days ago, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial decrying the Hong Kong government’s suppression of a song entitled “Glory to Hong Kong.” The editorial points out that the song became popular during pro-democracy protests in 2019 but now the Chinese regime has made it a criminal offense to sing, broadcast, or publish ...
The U.S. Defeat in Vietnam Changed Nothing by Jacob G. Hornberger May 14, 2024 April 30 was the anniversary date when North Vietnamese forces forced U.S. officials to exit Vietnam, much to their chagrin. That was after some 58,000 American men had died for nothing, not to mention the tens of thousands of injured American soldiers and the millions of Vietnamese who were killed or injured as a result of U.S. intervention ...
The Antisemitism Controversy Shows the Wisdom of the First Amendment by Jacob G. Hornberger May 13, 2024 When proponents of the Constitution were trying to persuade the American people to adopt it, they said that the only powers that the federal government could exercise were the powers that were expressly enumerated in the document itself. Since there was no power to infringe freedom of speech, for example, the federal government could not suppress speech. However, ...
Four Obstacles Facing Libertarian Proponents of Border Controls by Jacob G. Hornberger May 9, 2024 Libertarian proponents of immigration controls inevitably run into four obstacles in their support of this particular statist program: 1. The non-aggression principle. This is the core principle of the libertarian philosophy. It holds that it is morally wrong to initiate force against another person. Another way of stating the non-aggression principle is this: People have the right to ...
The Principles of Economic Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger May 8, 2024 Why shouldn’t people be free to keep everything they earn and decide what to do with their own money? That is a question that should be asked, discussed, and debated all across the nation. In other words, why not a society in which there is no federal income tax or IRS to enforce it? No more income tax ...
Why Not Abolish All Foreign Aid? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 6, 2024 Americans who object to the Israeli government’s military campaign in Gaza rightly object to the massive amounts of money and armaments that the U.S. government has provided — and continues to provide — the Israeli government to wage its campaign. Why should American taxpayers who oppose the Israeli government’s actions be forced to fund a military campaign to ...
Licensure Is a Wrongful Response to the Racial Bigotry of the Drug War by Jacob G. Hornberger May 3, 2024 Those who claim that there is no structural racial bigotry within the federal governmental structure simply blind themselves to the war on drugs, the Jim Crow of our time. There is no question but that blacks receive disproportionately higher jail sentence and more stops, searches, abuse, and killings than whites. Yet, knowing this, the federal government and many ...
Superman’s Partnership with the Feds by Jacob G. Hornberger May 2, 2024 As we all know, as part of the U.S. government’s much-vaunted war-on-terrorism racket, some big technology firms have chosen to partner with the government in an effort to win the war on terrorism. In the process, they have aided the government, sometimes illegally, in the destruction of people’s privacy. The firms engage in such wrongdoing either because of ...