No Debate Over the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger October 30, 2020 Unfortunately, there has been no debate and discussion in the 2020 presidential race over the two greatest infringements on the liberty and well-being of the American people — the welfare state and the national-security state. That shouldn’t surprise us though given that both Republicans and Democrats, along with the mainstream press, are so wedded to the New ...
Get Those Drug-War Stamps While They’re Hot! by Jacob G. Hornberger October 29, 2020 Get ‘em while they’re hot! The Postal Service has just issued drug-war stamps! You don’t want to miss out on these! What better way to send your Christmas cards than with drug-war stamps! The Postal Service is doing its part to win the decades-long drug war. Never mind that the drug war is a total failure, ...
Veteran Suicide: Another Cost of Foreign Interventionism by Jacob G. Hornberger October 28, 2020 A few days ago., the Cincinnati Enquirer carried an article that detailed one of the tragic costs — veteran suicides — of the U.S. government’s interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The story revolved around three veterans who recently took their own lives after suffering for years with war-related loss of limbs and brain injuries.
Needed: A Faith in Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger October 27, 2020 Why is it that some libertarians are scared to death to call for the repeal of Social Security and Medicare? Oh sure, they’ll come up with all sorts of Rube Goldberg-like schemes for reforming these two socialist programs. But the minute that another libertarian advocates the immediate repeal of these programs, these reform-oriented libertarians have a conniption ...
The Minimum Wage: Enemy of Blacks by Jacob G. Hornberger October 26, 2020 One of the distinguishing characteristics of leftists (i.e., liberals, progressives, or socialists) is their lack of understanding when it comes to sound economic principles. A good example of this phenomenon is an op-ed in yesterday’s New York Times entitled “To Reduce Racial Inequality, Raise the Minimum Wage” by Ellora Herenoncourt and Claire Montialoux, who teach ...
Immigration and Healthcare Socialism by Jacob G. Hornberger October 23, 2020 Joe Biden and his socialist supporters are crying crocodile tears over President Trump’s immigration-enforcement measure that separated children from their parents. As a result of Trump’s policy, there are some 500 children in U.S. custody whose parents now cannot be found. Despite their crocodile tears and their expressions of outrage over this horrific outcome, Democrats ...
Let’s Not Forget FDR’s Court-Packing Scheme by Jacob G. Hornberger October 21, 2020 The Democrats are threatening to enact a court-packing law if Amy Comey Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg, receives Senate confirmation. The Democrats feel that Joe Biden, should he win the November 3 election, should name Ginsberg’s replacement. The court-packing law would add additional justices onto the Supreme ...
What Will Amy Comey Barrett Say About Lochner? by Jacob G. Hornberger October 16, 2020 Undoubtedly, leftist opponents of Supreme Court nominee Amy Comey Barrett are going to bring up the Supreme Court’s decision in the 1905 case of Lochner vs. New York. In Lochner, the court held that a state law that set a maximum limit on the number of hours worked by employees was unconstitutional. This was the ...
Democracy Is Not Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger October 15, 2020 With the presidential election nearing, it’s important to remind ourselves of an important fact, one that Democrats and Republicans and their supporters in the mainstream press fail to realize: Democracy is not freedom. Democracy enables people to elect public officials. That’s all. That’s in contrast to countries that are ruled by people that are not ...
Tyranny and the Right to Bear Arms by Jacob G. Hornberger October 14, 2020 Not surprisingly, the gun-control crowd is using the supposed conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to advance their agenda. The idea is that if the American people are disarmed, then the chances of some group overthrowing a state government or even the federal government diminish to slim and none. That would be fine with the ...
Election Year Farm Candy by Jacob G. Hornberger October 13, 2020 American farmers, many of whom have been bankrupted by President Trump's trade war against China, are undoubtedly ecstatic that this is an election year. That’s because Trump is flooding them with federal monies in the months preceding the election. According to an article in yesterday’s New York Times, “Federal payments to farmers are projected to ...
Needed: Libertarian Faith in Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger October 12, 2020 It goes without saying that if we are to achieve a genuinely free society, people need to have a deep and abiding faith in freedom. If people are convinced that freedom won’t work or if they have serious doubts as to whether freedom will really work, then the chances of achieving the free society are slim.