Explore Freedom » Hornberger's Blog

Hornberger's Blog

Out-of-Control Spending and Debt Means More Tyranny

The federal government’s debt load just passed $35 trillion. According to usdebtclock.org, that amounts to $267,000 per taxpayer. It’s worth mentioning that that federal debt load does not include Social Security and Medicare obligations or the obligations arising from other “unfunded liabilities.” This fiscal situation is not getting any better. That’s because the federal government is spending ...

Lone-Nut Theorists in the JFK Assassination Remain Stuck in a Pre-ARRB World

The near-assassination of former President Trump has brought the Kennedy assassination to the forefront of people’s minds, especially since many Americans remain discomforted by that event — and rightly so. At the same time, the Trump shooting has caused advocates of the lone-nut theory of the Kennedy assassination to come forward and repeat the conclusions reached in 1964 ...