The Loss of the Libertarian Brand by Jacob G. Hornberger August 3, 2021 If a survey were to be taken of non-libertarian Americans asking them what libertarianism stands for, my hunch is that the vast majority of them would say either that they don’t know or that it’s rightwing or conservative. That’s a shame, especially given that the libertarian movement is at least 75 years old. You would think that ...
A Dark Side of Inflation by Jacob G. Hornberger August 2, 2021 When the Federal Reserve inflates the money supply, the resulting debasement of people’s money is reflected in the higher prices that people are paying for things they need or want. Already, everyone is seeing, for example, significantly higher prices for gasoline at the pump. The price jump is high enough to cause people to realize that all that ...
Our Civil Liberties Conference by Jacob G. Hornberger July 30, 2021 Mark your calendars for what will undoubtedly be one of the best, most important, and timeliest conferences in the 31-year history of The Future of Freedom Foundation. The conference, titled “Restoring Our Civil Liberties,” will begin on Tuesday, September 14, at 7pm Eastern time and continue on consecutive Tuesdays at the same time through Tuesday, November 16.
Libertarian Reform Measures Do Not Advance Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger July 29, 2021 Ever since I discovered libertarianism, there has been a faction within the libertarian movement that has favored and promoted reform of the welfare-warfare state way of life under which we live. Over the decades, those who advocate reform have come to dominate the libertarian movement. Unfortunately, however, libertarian reform measures do not advance liberty. Instead, they advance reform, ...
What’s Decent About Torture, Assassination, and Secret Surveillance? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 28, 2021 In a Los Angeles Times editorial predictably hyping up the extreme danger to “national security” arising from the January 6 Capitol protests, the Times quotes Capitol police officer Harry Dunn as saying, “We represent the good side of America, the people who believe in decency.” Really? So tell us, Officer Dunn, what is decent about the following ...
Wrong Lessons from the Afghanistan Debacle and Defeat by Jacob G. Hornberger July 27, 2021 Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, interventionists are not learning the real lessons in their defeat in Afghanistan. Instead, they are coming up with all sorts of reasons as to why their Afghanistan intervention turned out to be such a big debacle. They say that they’ve learned how to do better with future interventions. One of the favorite lessons they ...
Public-School Zoombies by Jacob G. Hornberger July 26, 2021 Jeremy Adams teaches civic classes at Bakersfield High School in California. In a July 24 commentary in the Los Angeles Times entitled “The Rise of the Zoombies: Lifeless, Detached Students Have Returned to My Classroom,” Adams laments the fact that after the Covid-19 layoff, his students have returned to the classroom as lifeless, detached zoombies. He ...
JFK’s Peace Speech by Jacob G. Hornberger July 23, 2021 Pat Buchanan has just published an article on President Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University on June 10, 1963, just a few months before he was assassinated on November 22. It’s an article worth reading, as it shows the relevance of Kennedy’s vision for America even today.
The Chimera of Immigration Reform by Jacob G. Hornberger July 22, 2021 A commentary in the New York Times today provides a perfect demonstration of the problem facing the American people regarding immigration. The title of the commentary is “Why Rural America Needs Immigrants” by Ruben Leonard and Matt Russell. Leonard is the author of a book entitled Deep Midwest: Midwestern Explorations. Russell is the owner of ...
The LA Times Gets It Wrong on Gun Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger July 21, 2021 The Los Angeles Times had an editorial yesterday whose title pretty much says it all: “18-Year-Olds Shouldn’t Have the Right to Buy Guns.” So, let me see if I correctly understand the Times’s position. An 18-year-old woman is walking down a dark street at night. She is accosted by a much bigger, stronger man who violently grabs ...
The Danger of Drug-War Raids by Jacob G. Hornberger July 20, 2021 We are all familiar with drug-war raids, especially in the middle of the night, in which cops and DEA agents sometimes shoot and kill people and their pets during the course of the raid. One reason for this phenomenon is that the people who are being raided don’t know who is doing the raiding. Even if the cops ...
Cuban-Americans Love Socialism Too by Jacob G. Hornberger July 19, 2021 Cuban-Americans are ecstatic over the protests erupting in Cuba against socialism. What nonsense! With the notable exception of Cuban-American libertarians, many Cuban-Americans are no more against socialism than the average Cuban citizen is. They just want a pro-Pentagon, pro-CIA regime in Cuba managing their socialist system. Ask any Cuban-American if ...