The LA Times Blows Warm Air on Homelessness by Jacob G. Hornberger August 23, 2021 In an editorial on the homelessness problem in California, the Los Angeles Times says that the recall candidates opposing California Gov. Gavin Newsom are doing nothing more than blowing hot air with their silly proposals. The Times is right. But the problem is that the Times itself is blowing some warm air when it comes ...
The Meaning of Open Borders by Jacob G. Hornberger August 20, 2021 Guests on conservative Fox News are going nuts over what they are calling President Biden’s “open borders” policy. One recent example was Stephen Miller, a former Trump advisor, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, where he lamented Biden’s supposed “open-border policies.” Another was Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who appeared on Fox and Friends, where ...
Feeling Sorry for College Students by Jacob G. Hornberger August 19, 2021 An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times makes me feel sorry for many college students, at least many of those who take economics courses in their respective schools. In fact, the op-ed even causes me to feel sorry for the people at mainstream newspapers who decide which op-eds to publish in their papers. The op-ed in ...
A Better Direction Entails Fundamental Change by Jacob G. Hornberger August 18, 2021 With the Taliban defeat of the U.S. military in Afghanistan, the temptation will be to engage only in “smart” interventions in the future. You can already see this in the countless articles and commentaries about the Afghan debacle, both in the mainstream press and on the Internet. Most of the critiques revolve around how the the war and ...
Blame Biden for Losing Afghanistan? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 13, 2021 It is becoming increasingly clear that the strategy of interventionist dead-enders is to blame President Biden for losing Afghanistan to the Taliban. If only he had kept U.S. troops there a bit longer or even indefinitely, their argument goes, the crooked and corrupt U.S.-installed Afghan puppet regime could have won the war and finally brought “enduring freedom” to ...
Why the NARA Secrecy Over the Secret JFK Records? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 12, 2021 For some unknown reason, there seems to be some secrecy on the part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) over the still-secret 58-year-old records of the CIA and other federal agencies relating to the Kennedy assassination. On July 29, 2021, I submitted the following request for information through the NARA website: Would you please advise me ...
Healthcare Reform Is Not Healthcare Liberty by Jacob G. Hornberger August 11, 2021 Libertarians can argue until they are blue in the face against mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, mask mandates, lockdowns, and other government healthcare measures to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic -- and, now, its Delta variant -- but one thing is for sure: Even if they succeed in their endeavors, it will not constitute healthcare freedom. At best, such ...
No Welfare Power in the Constitution by Jacob G. Hornberger August 10, 2021 A letter to the editor in the Los Angeles Times demonstrates the lack of understanding of the Constitution that unfortunately characterizes many, if not most, Americans. The letter writer states: “We should demand that all elected officials commit to fighting to end the pandemic, and that includes mandating vaccination, masks, hand washing and social distancing.”
Is Ashli Babbit’s Killer Guilty of Murder? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 9, 2021 There are those who think that the so-called riot or so-called insurrection in the Capitol last January justified the killing of Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran who was shot dead by a still-unidentified Capitol police officer during the melee. Not so! The power to use deadly force is strictly limited, even if the event was in ...
Debt, Debt, and More Debt by Jacob G. Hornberger August 6, 2021 The Los Angeles Times is concerned about the possibility that Republicans might not agree to raise the debt ceiling when it is set to go back into effect this month after a two-year suspension. In an editorial entitled, “The Federal Debt Limit Drama Isn’t a Fight Over Spending,” the Times says that since Joe Biden is ...
More Deaths from Immigration Controls by Jacob G. Hornberger August 5, 2021 Yesterday, there were 10 more deaths arising from America’s system of immigration controls. The undocumented immigrants were killed and another 20 seriously injured when the van in which they were being illegally transported crashed near Encino, Texas. The crash came a week after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an order cracking down on the transportation of migrants. ...
Why People Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media by Jacob G. Hornberger August 4, 2021 An article in the Washington Post about the January 6 protests at the Capitol goes a long way toward explaining why people do not trust the mainstream media. The article, written by a Post reporter named Mike DeBonis, focuses on allegations that the FBI infiltrated the ranks of the protestors and actually helped to incite them ...