Statist Ecstasy Over Cuban Suffering by Jacob G. Hornberger May 24, 2022 American conservatives, especially the Pentagon and the CIA, have to be in a state of ecstasy over an article about Cuba that appeared in last Sunday’s Washington Post. The article stated that “in a nation plagued by malnutrition,” there is no milk for the Cuban people to purchase. The article points out that Cuba “careens through ...
“Patriotic” Church Ministers by Jacob G. Hornberger May 23, 2022 Pope Francis is taking the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church to task for supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Francis told Patriarch Kirill not to be “Putin’s altar boy.” Licensed under Creative Commons. If only that same message had been received and understood by Catholic priests ...
Yay! Biden Lengthens Our Leashes on Cuba by Jacob G. Hornberger May 20, 2022 Out of the goodness of his heart, President Biden has just lengthened our leashes when it comes to Cuba. Isn’t that just so nice? Isn’t it great to live under a nice, benevolent democratically elected dictator rather than a cruel and brutal one? Biden is issuing executive decrees permitting more U.S. flights into Cuba, removing caps on ...
Gun-Control Laws Disarmed the Tops Victims by Jacob G. Hornberger May 19, 2022 Once again, with the shooting massacre at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York, we are able to see the disastrous consequence of gun-control laws. Ten innocent people dead and three others wounded. The response of the gun-control crowd is predictable. They say that the shooting shows we need even more gun control than already exists in New ...
Is the Pentagon Taking Us to Heaven? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 18, 2022 In a fascinating public melding of mindsets, the U.S. leftwing media and rightwing media have come together to denounce opposition to the $40 billion aid package that Congress is getting ready to approve for the Ukrainian government. On the left, the Washington Post let loose with an extreme volley against what would seem to be a rather ...
The Vietnam War and the Supreme Court by Jacob G. Hornberger May 17, 2022 I received an insightful email in response to my blog post yesterday, where I pointed out how people lost trust in the Supreme Court a long time ago. I pointed out the judicial deference to the Pentagon’s and the CIA’s program of state-sponsored assassinations as an example. Notwithstanding the express prohibition against assassinations in the Fifth ...
People Aren’t Losing Trust in the Supreme Court by Jacob G. Hornberger May 16, 2022 At a conference sponsored by three conservative organizations, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas claimed that people are losing trust in the Supreme Court. That’s not exactly true. That ship sailed a long time ago. The truth is that people lost trust in the Supreme Court when the Court decided to defer to the omnipotent power of the ...
Inflation Malarkey by Jacob G. Hornberger May 13, 2022 Faced with public outrage over the soaring prices of gasoline, food, and other items, President Biden has announced his intention to combat inflation. At the same time, monetary experts in the mainstream press are weighing in with their recommendations on how to fight inflation. It’s all malarkey. No doubt the next thing they are going to do is ...
How Can Any Pro-Choicer Be Pro-Drug War? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 12, 2022 One of the popular mantras of the pro-choice crowd in the abortion debate is “My body, my choice.” The notion has been that government has no legitimate role in interfering with what a person decides to do to her own body. Of course, the pro-life crowd’s response to that mantra has been that there is another life that ...
Our Immigration Police State by Jacob G. Hornberger May 11, 2022 As I have long argued, a system of immigration controls necessarily comes with an immigration police state. Warrantless searches of farms and ranches near the border. Domestic highway checkpoints. Roving Border Patrol checkpoints. Immigration raids on private businesses. Felonies for hiring illegal immigrants. Felonies for transporting illegal immigrants. Boarding of Greyhound buses to check people’s papers. Forced deportations. ...
We Can Win by Jacob G. Hornberger May 10, 2022 There is a reason why totalitarian dictatorships shut down organizations like The Future of Freedom Foundation. They understand the dangers of truth and sound ideas on liberty. They understand that truth and sound ideas on liberty can sweep across a nation and quickly inflame the hearts and minds of individuals, to such a point that even the most ...
Will the Pentagon Induce Russia to Use Tactical Nukes in Ukraine? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 9, 2022 For the past 25 years, the Pentagon has moved inexorably toward admitting Ukraine into NATO, which would then permit the Pentagon to install its nuclear missiles in Ukraine — that is, on Russia’s border. Thus, the Pentagon has progressively used NATO, an old Cold War dinosaur, to place Russia into a position of making a choice: Either (1) ...