Who Owns Your Income? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 22, 2008 As economic conditions in America continue to degenerate, Americans would be wise to use this period of time to reflect on the role that the federal government plays in their economic affairs, especially in comparison to the radically different way that our American ancestors viewed the matter. President Bush and Congress have enacted an “economic-stimulus ...
Pakistan Demonstrates the Wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers by Jacob G. Hornberger February 21, 2008 The situation in Pakistan provides another good reason why the American people should put a stop to the U.S. government’s meddling in the affairs of other countries. For years, U.S. officials have had a close, working partnership with Pakistan’s president Pervez Musharraf, which has included the delivery to him of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer ...
Lead Cuba to Freedom by Example by Jacob G. Hornberger February 20, 2008 In the wake of Fidel Castro’s resignation as president of Cuba, President Bush is, not surprisingly, lecturing the Cuban people as to what they now need to do to achieve a free society. But Cubans — and, for that matter, the American people and the people of the world — would be better served if Bush were ...
Immigration Land Grab Along the Border by Jacob G. Hornberger February 19, 2008 Last Saturday’s Washington Post had an interesting story about the federal government’s land grab along the Rio Grande to build its anti-immigrant Berlin Fence. Not surprisingly, Texas landowners, many of whom have owned their property for generations, are fighting this federal tyranny as hard as they can. Isn’t it interesting — and revealing — that conservatives ...
Socialism for Big Business by Jacob G. Hornberger February 18, 2008 If you want a great insight into how the lobbying game works in Washington, D.C., take a look at a very insightful article entitled “Mickey Goes to Washington” by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, which appeared in last Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine. The article focuses on the process by which Walt Disney Parks and Resort and other big-business ...
Economic Nonsense about Immigrants by Jacob G. Hornberger February 15, 2008 I don’t know anything about Virginia Republican Delegate Jeffrey Frederick’s educational background but based on his understanding of economics, my hunch is that he is a product of public schools and state-supported universities, many of which, as a general rule, teach absolute nonsense in their economics classes. Exclaiming against illegal immigrants in Prince William County, Virginia, where government officials have ...
Torture and Kangaroo Justice Are Un-American by Jacob G. Hornberger February 14, 2008 Justice Scalia’s remarks about torture reflect a fundamental problem with conservative judges. While oftentimes sound on economic liberty, they are absolutely atrocious with respect to civil liberties. Scalia’s approval of torture in certain circumstances ignores an important point that every first-year law student learns in his constitutional law course: that people are presumed innocent until ...
Attention, Neo-Con Automatons! by Jacob G. Hornberger February 13, 2008 Fury has erupted in Britain over letting a 12-year-old Afghan boy attend school. The boy had trained as a suicide bomber in Afghanistan because after his father, who had a member of the Taliban, was shot and killed by British soldiers, an Afghan elder told the boy, “You must avenge his death by becoming a ...
Imperialism, Interventionism, and Isolationism by Jacob G. Hornberger February 12, 2008 Conservatives and neo-conservatives sometimes claim that libertarians are “isolationists” because we oppose empire and interventionism. Their suggestion is that if the U.S. government did not have the unrestrained power to drop bombs on countries around the world, that would mean that America would be an “isolationist” country, sort of, I suppose, like Switzerland, whose ...
A Confluence of Cultures along the Border by Jacob G. Hornberger February 8, 2008 For those of you looking for something patriotic to do to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, you might want to consider traveling down to my hometown of Laredo, Texas, on the weekend of February 22. Laredo, a city along the Texas-Mexican border has the biggest George Washington birthday celebration in the nation. What’s special about the celebration ...
U.S. Soldiers Will Pay the Price for Bush’s Torture Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger February 7, 2008 After years of hearing President Bush proudly proclaim to the American people and the world that “We don’t torture,” yesterday the American people and the world learned that it was just one more lie on top of all the others. The White House and the CIA have come out and publicly admitted that they have ...
Why Doesn’t Obama Turn Himself In? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 6, 2008 In a Washington Times article on the drug war today, Steve Chapman points out that Barack Obama was for decriminalization of marijuana before he was against it. According to Chapman, who cites a Washington Times story on the matter, in his 2004 U.S. Senate race Obama came out for decriminalization. Now that he’s running for ...