Conservative Idiocy over Rachel Ray and Dunkin Donuts by Jacob G. Hornberger June 2, 2008 Americans received a good dose of conservative idiocy over the weekend. The dose, which almost defies belief, involves noted conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, who got upset with a television advertisement by Dunkin Donuts that featured 30-minute chef Rachel Ray. The reason for Malkin’s distress over the commercial? The war on terrorism, ...
Hornberger’s Blog, June 2008 by Jacob G. Hornberger June 1, 2008 Monday, June 30, 2008 Isolationist Options for the United States by Jacob G. Hornberger Whenever a libertarian calls for the dismantling of the U.S. government’s overseas military empire and the end of foreign interventionism, the standard response of the pro-empire, pro-intervention crowd is, “We cannot return to isolationism. That would be a disaster.” The sentence is intended to immediately shut down all ...
Compassionless Conservatism by Jacob G. Hornberger May 30, 2008 In an op-ed entitled “The Libertarian Jesus” by Michael Gerson in today’s Washington Post, Gerson provides an excellent example of the moral blind spot that afflicts the conservative movement. Gerson, who served as a speech writer for President Bush and who was a senior policy advisor for the conservative Heritage ...
Another Obstacle in the Wars on Drugs and Immigrants by Jacob G. Hornberger May 29, 2008 Black-market principles are posing a new obstacle for advocates of the wars on drugs and immigrants. According to a front-page article in the New York Times, an increasing number of Customs and Border Patrol officials are accepting bribes in return for agreeing to look the other way when drug ...
Socialism Is the Root of Healthcare Woes by Jacob G. Hornberger May 28, 2008 The healthcare system in the Czech Republic has a valuable, albeit perhaps discomforting, lesson for Americans. For decades, Americans have convinced themselves that they live in a free-enterprise country. For such Americans, such government programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and public schooling are an important and essential part ...
No Light at the End of the Drug War Tunnel by Jacob G. Hornberger May 27, 2008 Drug warriors are lamenting the high number of deaths of Mexican officials at the hands of Mexican drug lords. The latest victim was Edgar Millan Gomez, the acting chief of the federal police in Mexico City. In the last month alone, four top security officials in Mexico City have been ...
Iraq and the Emperor’s New Clothes by Jacob G. Hornberger May 26, 2008 After five years of sacrificing thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people in a war of aggression and military occupation of a country that never attacked the United States, Pentagon officials are chagrined that the military junta of Burma won’t permit Pentagon officials to show how ...
Allowing Cubans and Americans to Be Free by Jacob G. Hornberger May 23, 2008 From this week’s New York Times: “President Bush announced Wednesday that Americans would soon be allowed to give their relatives in Cuba cell phones to use.” Now, doesn’t that just say it all? Notice the operative word: “allowed.” The American people are being allowed to send cell phones to Cubans. Hey, President ...
“We Don’t Torture” by Jacob G. Hornberger May 22, 2008 After the 9/11 attacks, President Bush assured the American people, “We don’t torture.” By “we” he meant people working for the federal government, including those in the CIA and the military. Since then, we’ve learned about the Abu Ghraib scandal, where some photographs or videos still remain under lock and ...
The Prosecution of Tariq Aziz by Jacob G. Hornberger May 21, 2008 U.S. officials might want to think twice before imposing price controls ever again in the United States, given what Iraqi officials are doing to Tariq Aziz, who served as deputy prime minister in the Saddam Hussein regime. Iraqi officials are prosecuting Aziz for enforcing government-imposed price controls against Iraqi merchants ...
The Conservative Gods by Jacob G. Hornberger May 20, 2008 To gain a good sense of how conservatives view the federal government, all one has to do is examine the words that conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson directed toward David Ray Griffin, an author who has claimed that the federal government was behind the 9/11 attacks. Regardless of whether one ...
Appeasing Bush by Jacob G. Hornberger May 19, 2008 On his recent trip to Israel, President Bush ignited a political firestorm within the Obama, Clinton, and McCain camps by suggesting that it would be wrong to “appease” the Ahmadinejad regime in Iran. Unfortunately, Bush has the appeasement issue inverted. The real appeasement question is whether people in the Middle ...