Moving in the Direction of China by Jacob G. Hornberger August 7, 2008 I just received an interesting letter from officials of Montgomery County, Maryland, advising me that I owed the county $40. The reason? The letter advised me that surveillance cameras had caught me speeding — 43 mph in a 30 mph zone. Included in the letter were 3 photographs of my vehicle with my license ...
Why Wasn’t Bruce Ivins an Enemy Combatant? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 6, 2008 So, the FBI was prepared to indict U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins for terrorism before he committed suicide. The specific act of terrorism for which Ivins was to be indicted was employing weapons of mass destruction, to wit: anthrax, on American citizens on American soil. What? An indictment? Doesn’t that mean federal courts? Doesn’t that mean the ...
The Irrelevancy of the Gitmo Trials by Jacob G. Hornberger August 5, 2008 The Pentagon’s model “judicial” system at Guantanamo Bay has many fascinating features, virtually all of which are contrary to the rights and guarantees in the federal system established by the Constitution. Among the features in the Pentagon’s system are a presumption of guilt for the accused, no right to confront witnesses, the use of ...
Fixing the Economy by Jacob G. Hornberger August 4, 2008 A Washington Post poll reveals that most Americans doubt whether John McCain or Barack Obama will be able to “fix the ailing economy” or “improve the healthcare system.” The problem with Americans is that they fail to understand that the federal government is the cause, not the cure, for the ailing economy, the healthcare system, ...
Hornberger’s Blog, August 2008 by Jacob G. Hornberger August 1, 2008 Friday, August 29, 2008 The Protection Provided by Gold by Jacob G. Hornberger A case before the Six Circuit federal Court of Appeals in Cincinnati demonstrates how our American ancestors relied on gold to protect themselves from U.S. officials. The case involves a long-term lease entered into in 1912 requiring the tenant to pay the agreed-upon rent in gold coins. ...
Separating School & State by Jacob G. Hornberger August 1, 2008 Sheldon Richman, who authored FFF’s great book Separating School & State: Liberating America’s Families received the following email from his daughter Emily: “Jennifer and I met a couple of people at this sushi place in Little Rock on Thursday that does karaoke. And we are friends with them on Facebook now. Today, one of them sent me a ...
Is China a Model for U.S. Conservatives? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 31, 2008 Conservatives must be ecstatic over what is happening in China. Joining the U.S. government in its crusade against terrorism, the Chinese communist government is adopting measures that would make any U.S. conservative proud. For example, the Chinese government recently bused several thousand Chinese students and office workers into a public square. Three convicted terrorists were brought before the ...
I Love Being Energy Dependent by Jacob G. Hornberger July 30, 2008 I have a confession to make: I love being dependent on foreign oil. In fact, I love being dependent on domestic oil too. For that matter, I love being dependent on other people for all the other things I purchase in the course of my life. It is a fundamental economic axiom that in every ...
World War II Was Not a Good War by Jacob G. Hornberger July 29, 2008 Pat Buchanan’s new book Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War”does an excellent job of demolishing the myths surrounding World War II, commonly called “the good war” in American public school textbooks. Here are some of the major points Buchanan makes in the book: 1. World War II was actually a continuation of World ...
A “People’s Court” for America? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 28, 2008 Sunday’s Washington Post published an op-ed advocating a position that we have held here at The Future of Freedom Foundation ever since the 9/11 attacks: that terrorism cases rightfully belong in federal court. The article, entitled “The Right Place to Try Terrorism Cases,” was authored by John C. Coughenour, a federal judge ...
A Weak and Dependent People by Jacob G. Hornberger July 25, 2008 With its coming bailout of homeowners and mortgage lenders, the federal government refortifies its role as daddy for the American people and the people’s role as child-adults who are dependent on their daddy to take care of them. The bailout, while strengthening the federal government, makes the American people weaker than ever. A people who ...
Trial by Jury Protects Us from Tyranny by Jacob G. Hornberger July 24, 2008 In my blog entry yesterday, I pointed out one of the crucial differences between the judicial system that our ancestors brought into existence with the Constitution and the model “judicial’ system that President Bush and the Pentagon have established at Guantanamo Bay. In the U.S. constitutional system, the accused has the right to have ...