Immigration Controls Come with Death by Jacob G. Hornberger March 2, 2023 Not surprisingly, immigration-control advocates are coming fiercely to the defense of George Allan Kelly, the 74-year-old Arizona man who is charged with murdering a Mexican citizen who illegally crossed the border into the United States and trespassed on Kelly’s ranch. Kelly and his wife live in a home on the ranch. I wrote about the Kelly case ...
Conservative Mental Dichotomy on the Draft by Jacob G. Hornberger March 1, 2023 The war in Ukraine has displayed a fascinating dichotomy that exists within conservatives. They uniformly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine while, at the same time, steadfastly ignoring the measures that the Pentagon took through NATO to provoke the invasion. Moreover, while they condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they also continue to steadfastly support the U.S. ...
JFK’s Remarkable Peace Speech that Sealed His Fate by Jacob G. Hornberger February 28, 2023 The deep animosity against Russia and China that the U.S. national-security establishment has inculcated in the American people brings to mind the remarkable speech that President Kennedy delivered on June 10, 1963, at American University that sealed his fate. Just imagine what would happen to any American who today dares to say good things about Russia and China. ...
RATO and NATO by Jacob G. Hornberger February 27, 2023 Let’s engage in some imagining. Let’s imagine that Russia and China form a new organization, called the Russia Asia Treaty Organization, or RATO. One day they invite Nicaragua, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Mexico to become members. All of them agree. The U.S. government objects. “What is the purpose of extending RATO to our part of the ...
The Pentagon’s Balloon Madness Recalls Major Rudolf Anderson by Jacob G. Hornberger February 24, 2023 According to the Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon recently spent at least $1.5 million to down high-altitude objects, including the infamous Chinese balloon that supposedly was spying on the United States. Oh well, what’s another $1.5 million added onto a national debt of almost $31.6 trillion dollars? The entire panicked brouhaha over the Chinese balloon caused me to ...
Nicaragua and America’s Golden Goose by Jacob G. Hornberger February 23, 2023 After socialist Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega released several political prisoners and sent them packing to the United States, he proceeded to confiscate their homes and convert them into government-owned assets. His action demonstrates how socialism works here in the United States. What Ortega is doing is taking private property from those who have it and converting to the ...
Brzezinski’s Confession by Jacob G. Hornberger February 22, 2023 While American interventionists remain stone-cold silent about the way that the Pentagon, operating through its old Cold War dinosaur NATO, knowingly, deliberately, and intentionally provoked Russia into invading Ukraine, it’s instructive to remind ourselves that this wasn’t the first time that the Pentagon provoked Russia into invading another country. Let’s go back to 1979, when the Pentagon was ...
How Long Did Americans Support America’s Longest War? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 21, 2023 In an op-ed in today’s Los Angeles Times, Alexander J. Moytyl, a professor of political science at Rutgers, asks, “How long will Russians tolerate Putin’s costly war?” After pointing out the many negative consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Moytyl makes a pointed observation: “And yet, almost a year after the invasion of Ukraine, Russians continue ...
Cuba and Vietnam: What’s the Difference? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 17, 2023 During a visit to Mexico by Cuba’s president Miguel Díaz-Canel, Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), announced that he was willing to lead an international effort to pressure the U.S. government into lifting its six-decade-old economic embargo against the Cuban people. AMLO stated, “As a sign of goodwill and that all the countries of the Americas are ...
What If Americans Were Fighting on Russia’s Side? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 16, 2023 The New York Times recently carried an interesting article entitled, “They Are Russians Fighting Against Their Homeland. Here’s Why.” The article describes a group of Russian citizens who are fighting on the side of Ukraine against Russian soldiers. They concluded that Russia was in the wrong to invade Ukraine and, therefore, decided to fight on the ...
Thank You, Americans, for Our Tax-Funded Largess by Jacob G. Hornberger February 15, 2023 I want to thank all of you taxpayers out there for providing me with the benefits of gigantic amounts of welfare-warfare-state largess that is being heaped on those of us living here in Virginia. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the states surrounding Washington, D.C., had the nation’s biggest decline in unemployment benefits. In Virginia, ...
Why Did Biden Let In Those Nicaraguan Refugees? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 14, 2023 The Biden administration and its acolytes in the U.S. mainstream press are celebrating the fact that Nicaraguan socialist dictator Daniel Ortega just released 222 political prisoners and sent them packing to the United States. In the process, however, they are only demonstrating the arbitrary, capricious, and hypocritical nature of America’s socialist system of immigration controls. Ortega’s political ...