An Immigration Attack on Stossel from the Right by Jacob G. Hornberger July 14, 2010 Libertarian Fox News commentator John Stossel has recently been the subject of attacks from the left for taking the position that private owners have the right, under principles of freedom and private property, to discriminate. (See here and here.) Now, Stossel is under attack from the right for views on immigration that he recently expressed to ...
Leave Them Alone by Jacob G. Hornberger July 13, 2010 I have a modest ten-part proposal for the federal government, although some people undoubtedly will consider it radical. 1. Immediately vacate Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. government has had 8-9 years to do as much killing, injuring, maiming, and destroying as it wants in those two countries. Time’s up. Enough is enough. After all, let’s not forget that neither the Iraqi people ...
Luis Posada Carriles’ Insurance Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger July 12, 2010 The former head of Cuba’s Department of State Security, Fabian Escalante, tells the Washington Post that accused terrorist Luis Posada Carriles has an insurance policy that ensures he will be provided excellent treatment at the hands of U.S. officials. According to an article in today’s Post, Escalante states, “He has a life insurance policy, which is what he knows about the Kennedy plot.” Posada ...
Robert Byrd, Federal Bankruptcy, and Moral Debauchery by Jacob G. Hornberger July 9, 2010 Mainstream commentators were extolling the effectiveness of Senator Robert Byrd, who recently died. They pointed out how successful he was in bringing federal largess to West Virginia. Their accolades reflect not only why the federal government is broke but also the moral bankruptcy into which our society has plunged. Indeed, how much federal largess a member of Congress brings home ...
Why Not Revitalize the Economy with Pyramids? by Jacob G. Hornberger July 8, 2010 Statists continue to argue that to dig its way out of its welfare-warfare financial crisis, U.S. officials should continue to spend massive amounts of money. The problem, of course, is that the U.S. government doesn’t have massive amounts of money. What it is already spending far exceeds what it is receiving in the form of taxes. So, how do statists ...
The Welfare-Warfare Crackup by Jacob G. Hornberger July 7, 2010 For decades, libertarians have been warning Americans of the coming crack-up of the welfare-warfare state. Of course, we couldn’t predict when the crack-up would finally occur. All we could do is to say that the road to statism, both welfare and warfare, was a road to national bankruptcy. Keep in mind that the welfare-warfare state depends on a vibrant private ...
Violent Christians and Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger July 6, 2010 Ever since the invasion of Iraq, I have been absolutely amazed by the position taken by many American Christians. Needless to say, I’m no theologian but it just seems to me that it would be difficult to find a clearer example of a violation of God’s prohibition against murder than what the U.S. government has done to the Iraqi ...
Another Liberal Blind Spot by Jacob G. Hornberger July 2, 2010 In another sign that liberals are becoming increasingly concerned with the growing popularity of libertarianism, a liberal named Daniela Perdomo has gone on the attack against libertarian John Stossel at, one of the major liberal (or “progressive,” as many liberals now label themselves) websites. In an article entitled “Is John Stossel More Dangerous Than Glenn Beck?” ...
Hornberger’s Blog, July 2010 by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2010 Friday, July 30, 2010 An Open Border in My Hometown I grew up in Laredo, Texas, a border town that no doubt causes no small degree of consternation to those who lament Mexican culture in the United States. I’d estimate that when I was growing up, about 95 percent of Laredoans were of Mexican descent. When Laredoans were summoned for jury duty, ...
The Obsequiousness of the Mainstream Press by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2010 Glenn Greenwald has done great work detailing how subservient and submissive the mainstream press is with respect to the U.S. government. Here’s his latest article on the subject: In fact, reporters in the mainstream press might well be described as the classic success story of public (i.e., government) schools: the good, little citizen who never challenges federal authority ...
Hornberger’s Blog, July 2010 by Jacob G. Hornberger July 1, 2010 Friday, July 30, 2010 An Open Border in My Hometown by Jacob G. Hornberger Igrew up in Laredo, Texas, a border town that no doubt causes no small degree of consternation to those who lament Mexican culture in the United States. Id estimate that when I was growing up, about 95 percent of Laredoans were of Mexican descent. When Laredoans were summoned for ...
The Silence of the Gun-Control Crowd by Jacob G. Hornberger June 30, 2010 While the gun-control crowd is going bananas over the fact that state and local governments are not constitutionally permitted to ban private ownership of handguns, they are remaining mute over a killing that took place in an apartment in Forestville, Maryland, on the same day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Chicago gun-ban case. According to the