Explore Freedom » Hornberger's Blog

Hornberger's Blog

The U.S. Military Empire Meets Dictatorship in Bahrain

The U.S. Empire includes 750-1,000 military bases in more than 130 countries. The reality of that extensive military empire has come to the forefront in Bahrain, where the authoritarian government in that country is cracking down on protestors with round-ups, jail, torture, and even extra-judicial execution. Of course, it’s a familiar story, one that is confronting Americans every day. People ...

Time to End All Foreign Aid Entirely

Preliminary Note: Just in case you’ve missed them in this week’s FFF Email Updates, here are links to recent FFF videos: Campaign for Liberty Panel at CPAC with Ivan Eland, Jim Bovard, and Jacob Hornberger. Jacob Hornberger Show at CPAC featuring Jim Bovard, on “Why Do Conservatives Support Statism?” FFF Economic Liberty Lecture Series: “Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights ...