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Hornberger's Blog

Should Schwarzenegger and Strauss-Kahn be Prosecuted for Adultery?

One of the silliest and not-thought-out arguments that drug-war proponents make against libertarians is the following: “Since you favor drug legalization, that means that you favor drug abuse.” The accusation is a perfect example of the mindset that public-schooling produces within people, one that examines matters in a purely superficial way, one in which there is no analytic or ...

Should Public Schools Teach the Bible or the Koran?

A recent article about the First Amendment in the Christian Science Monitorreflects how differently libertarians think about religious and educational liberty compared to non-libertarians. The article is entitled “What If Public Schools Were Mandated to Teach Islamic Creation in Science Class?” by David Sessions, a 2008 graduate of Patrick Henry College and the editor of Patrol, a culture ...

Michael Gerson’s Attack on Ron Paul

Michael Gerson’s attack on Ron Paul in Tuesday’s Washington Post confirms, once again, that the real battle facing our nation is between statists and libertarians. Gerson is your standard conservative. He worked at the Heritage Foundation and then as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. Not surprisingly, Gerson is a proponent of the 40-year-old war on drugs. It’s not surprising because most ...