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Hornberger's Blog

Bogus Justifications for the National-Security State

Interventionists justify the existence of the vast military and intelligence establishment in America by telling us that there are “radical Islamic elements” in the world. But the question is: Should that be a justification for continuing the U.S. national security state — i.e., a permanent military and intelligence establishment — that was brought into existence in 1947? After all, what was ...

Three Malignant Overlays

In 1890, Americans lived in a society without income taxation, the IRS, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public (i.e., government) schooling, farm subsidies, foreign aid to dictatorships, minimum-wage laws, price controls, paper money, the Federal Reserve, Departments of Education, Labor, Commerce, Energy, and Homeland Security, occupational licensure, immigration controls, huge standing army, military-industrial complex, foreign military bases, CIA, kidnapping, rendition, ...

The Fifth Amendment Protects Everyone, Not Just Citizens

When defenders of civil liberties condemn President Obama’s assassination program, some of them place a greater emphasis on the constitutional right of American citizens to be protected from assassination as compared to foreigners. However, as much as they might wish that the Constitution limits its protection to citizens, such is simply not the case. In protecting people from being ...

Submissiveness and Conformity in America’s Business Leaders

Russian billionaire Aleksandr Lebedev is selling all his Russian assets and moving his money elsewhere. The reason? According to the New York Times, Lebedev, who has supported the opposition to President Putin’s increasingly authoritarian rule, stated that police and regulatory inspections had become overly intense. “The special services steamrolled my businesses into the pavement,” he said. “I give up.” It’s ...