Explore Freedom » Hornberger's Blog

Hornberger's Blog

Replacing the Welfare-Warfare State with a Free Society

The following is a non-verbatim rendition of a talk entitled “Replacing the Welfare-Warfare State with a Free Society” that FFF president Jacob Hornberger delivered to the Fairfax County, Virginia, Young Republicans on June 19, 2013: Thank you. It’s very nice to be here to share ideas on liberty with the Fairfax County Young Republicans. Everywhere you look, there is a crisis. Social ...

The Role of Foreign Policy in Security-State Surveillance

In the national discussion over the national-security state’s massive surveillance scheme over the American people, it’s imperative that we keep in mind how the national-security state’s foreign policy of empire and interventionism play into how we have ended up with an Orwellian system of national surveillance at the hands of the federal government. How are statists justifying the NSA’s ...