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Hornberger's Blog

Has Edward Snowden Been Added to Obama’s Kill List?

It seems to me only fair that President Obama and his national-security state cohorts publicly announce whether NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been added to the presidential kill list, like two other American citizens who were assassinated, Anwar al-Awlaki and his teenage son Abdulrahman. When the U.S. government targets an American citizen for assassination, it seems only right that ...

The Imaginary Trial of Dietrich Schmoller

Judicial Proceedings before the National-Security Tribunal of Nazi Germany, April 1943 Presiding Judge: This National Security Tribunal is now in session. The tribunal calls the case of The German National Socialist State vs. Dietrich Schmoller. The defendant will rise and enter his plea before the tribunal. Dietrich Schmoller: I plead Not Guilty. Presiding Judge: (screaming) What do you mean, “Not Guilty”? The ...

The Power of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA

In their quest for “safety,” many Americans refuse to confront a discomforting thought: That the national-security establishment, consisting principally of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, which purportedly exists to keep them “safe,” has actually cost them their freedom and now considers itself to be a permanent part of the U.S. government. In his Farewell Address, President Dwight Eisenhower ...