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Hornberger's Blog

The Solution to Big Money in Politics

Not surprisingly, the big subject of discussion among Republicans and Democrats, along with conservative and leftist commentators, is the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that lifted the ceiling on the amounts of money that people can donate to political campaigns. Democrats and leftists are upset, saying that now billionaires will control the political process. Republicans and conservatives are ecstatic for ...

The U.S. Government’s Regime-Change Obsession Rears Its Ugly Head Again

The U.S. government’s 116-year-old obsession with controlling Cuba has suddenly manifested itself again. Yesterday, the Associated Press, based on secret records that it obtained, reported that USAID, the federal agency that distributes billions of dollars in U.S.-taxpayer funded foreign aid and which has long served as a front organization for the CIA, has been engaged in a super-secret, ...

America’s Liar in Chief

Everyone is familiar with where America’s Cold War national-security state apparatus has led our nation: down the dark road of assassinations, torture, indefinite detention, coups, surveillance, regime-change operations, secrecy, tribunals, and other dark-side practices that are inherent to communist and other totalitarian regimes. But how many Americans ever give thought to the fact that the national-security state apparatus has also ...

A Misguided Attack on The Future of Freedom Foundation

In an article at PJMedia.com, writer Keith Farrell suggests that libertarians should support foreign interventionism and specifically takes The Future of Freedom Foundation and LewRockwell.com to task for opposing foreign interventionism. Acknowledging that some U.S. interventions have proven to be absolute disasters, Farrell feels that libertarians should nonetheless be supporting U.S. foreign interventionism in selected cases. Farrell is wrong. ...