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Hornberger's Blog

The Republican Creed on Free Enterprise

We, the members of the Republican Party, hereby affirm our deep and abiding commitment to the principles of free enterprise (i.e., economic activity free of government control and regulation), except for: 1. Immigration controls. 2. Public (i.e., government) schooling. 3. Drug laws. 4. Social Security. 5. Medicare and Medicaid. 6. Tariffs, embargoes, sanctions, and import restrictions. 7. Insider-trading laws. 8. Antitrust laws. 9. Agricultural subsidies. 10. SBA loans. 11. The ...

The War on Terrorism Is One Fine Scam

Throughout the Cold War, the proponents of the national-security state assured us that the only reason the United States needed to adopt this totalitarian-like apparatus was because of the international communist conspiracy emanating from the Soviet Union and Red China. Once the Cold War was won, the statists said, America could restore the limited-government constitutional republic that the Constitution ...