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Hornberger's Blog

Our Ancestors Were Different, Especially on Immigration

Whatever else might be said about our American ancestors, one thing is beyond dispute: Their position on immigration was diametrically opposite from that of Americans living today. Just think: Open immigration, a concept that, with the exception of libertarians, no American alive today would even come close to endorsing. Except for a cursory health inspection at Ellis Island to ensure ...

Noninterventionism Is the Only Cure for America’s Foreign Policy Woes

One thing is for sure: If you want a solution to America’s foreign-policies woes, you’re not going to find it with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, or any of the other presidential candidates. That’s because they are all, in varying degrees, interventionists. It is interventionism that is the root cause of America’s foreign-policy woes, including the ...

Venezuela, Like Chile, Is None of the U.S. Government’s Business

Ever since the U.S. government orchestrated the military coup in Chile in 1973 that ousted the democratically elected president of the country from office and installed the brutal military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, interventionists have maintained that (1) the coup was necessary to save Chile from socialism and communism and (2) that the murders, rapes, torture, and incarceration ...