Who Is the Real Enemy of Freedom? by Jacob G. Hornberger June 5, 2019 The Fresno Grizzlies, a farm team of the Washington Nationals baseball team, are in hot water. At a Memorial Day game, the team showed an annual Cold War-era tribute video by Ronald Reagan that extolled the U.S. military and its foreign wars, including the Vietnam War, which, the film said, defended our freedoms here at home. The film ...
Would Trump’s Impeachment Lead to Freedom? by Jacob G. Hornberger June 4, 2019 For libertarians, the obvious question arises: Would the impeachment of Donald Trump lead to the free society for which we libertarians yearn? There is a simple answer to that question: The answer is No. Even if Trump is impeached in the U.S. House of Representatives, convicted in the U.S. Senate, and removed from office, we will not be any closer ...
Repeal the Espionage Act by Jacob G. Hornberger June 3, 2019 World War I is the gift that just keeps on giving. Although the U.S. government’s intervention into this senseless, immoral, and destructive war occurred 100 years ago, the adverse effects of the war continue to besiege our nation. Among the most notable examples is the Espionage Act, a tyrannical law that was enacted two months after the U.S. entered ...
The Drug War Is Totally Idiotic by Jacob G. Hornberger May 31, 2019 Pardon me for being blunt, but it would be difficult to find anything more idiotic than the war on drugs, an ongoing federal program that has been enacted and enforced by both Republicans and Democrats for decades. The program is sheer idiocy in that its supporters continue to keep it going despite the manifest failure, violence, ruination ...
Abolish the FBI by Jacob G. Hornberger May 30, 2019 As a libertarian, let me make my position clear with respect to the FBI: It should be abolished, not reformed or reined in. That’s because in a free society there is no national police force. Criminal justice, along with all the power a criminal-justice system entails, is best left at the state and local level. National police forces are ...
What American Culture Are Immigration-Control Advocates Trying to Protect? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 29, 2019 Supporters of America’s system of immigration controls often say that a system of open borders, which we libertarians favor, would destroy America’s culture. We've got to build a wall around America, they say, to keep out foreigners in order to protect our culture. But what culture exactly are they trying to protect? Maybe they ...
Iraq War Veterans Waged an Illegal War by Jacob G. Hornberger May 28, 2019 As I was reading an article in Sunday’s New York Times by a former Marine named Elliot Ackerman, an Iraq War veteran, about the battle of Fallujah, I couldn’t help but wonder whether Iraq War veterans would be better off downplaying, rather than highlighting, their military exploits in Iraq. Why do I say ...
Fallacies of Conservative Immigration Arguments by Jacob G. Hornberger May 24, 2019 Conservatives often use the national-home argument to justify their support of a system of immigration controls. They say that America is a “national home,” one owned and controlled by the U.S. government. As the owner of the “home,” the argument goes, the U.S. government has the “right” to lock the door and determine who to let into its home. ...
Remember the Maine! Also the Arizona and the Maddox! by Future of Freedom Foundation May 23, 2019 As the U.S. war drums beat ever louder with respect to Iran, it’s worth remembering the Maine, the Arizona, and the Maddox. They were three U.S. vessels that played instrumental rolls in enabling U.S. officials to embroil the United States into foreign wars. The Maine was a U.S. ship that that U.S. officials stationed in Havana harbor in 1898 in ...
Student Debt Cancellation: Charity or Force? by Jacob G. Hornberger May 22, 2019 During commencement exercises at Morehouse College, a historically black college or university (HBCU) located in Atlanta, billionaire Robert F. Smith announced that he was paying off all student debt for graduating seniors. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the gift is estimated to be worth up to $40 million. Needless to say, the students who will be receiving the ...
Donald Trump, Immigration Central Planner by Jacob G. Hornberger May 21, 2019 Republicans are celebrating President Trump for his immigration proposal, which includes, among other things, admitting into the United State more highly skilled and educated foreigners. Wow! Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before now? Just think: America’s decades-long, ongoing immigration crisis is going to finally disappear because Donald Trump, central planner, has finally come up with his immigration plan. At ...
Impeach Trump But Only for the Right Reason by Jacob G. Hornberger May 20, 2019 Notwithstanding the fact that their Special Counsel Robert Mueller, after a long detailed investigation, found no evidence that President Trump illegally conspired with Russian officials in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, Democrats are still hell bent on impeaching Trump. The problem with their position, however, is that they want to impeach him for invalid reasons, ...