Chances are you have used a GE appliance, turned on a GE light bulb, flown on a plane powered by a GE aircraft engine, seen a GE locomotive or wind turbine, taken out a loan from GE Capital (its ...
In their “Pledge to America,” House Republicans promised “to stop out-of control spending and reduce the size of government.” But other than promising to repeal Obamacare, no specific mention is made in the Pledge about eliminating any ...
Libertarianism Today by Jacob H. Huebert
(Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2010), 254 pages.
Major books on libertarianism seem to come in pairs. First, in 1973, there was Murray N. Rothbard’s For a New Liberty (Macmillan, with a revised edition in ...
With the national debt fast approaching $15 trillion, no member of Congress of either party, and no American citizen of any political persuasion, would argue against the proposition that the federal budget needs to be cut, and cut drastically.
The ...
Thanks to the tremendous technological advances in communications that have taken place over the past few years, the whole world has now heard of and seen the destruction wrought by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. With thousands ...
The killing of six people on January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona, and attempted assassination of a “public servant” and her staff members has brought forth a predictable response from the left and gun-control groups: We need stricter gun-control ...
Municipalities and other water providers throughout the United States — and the general public they serve — are universally concerned about the amount of industrial chemicals, toxic metals, carcinogens, pesticides, and pollutants present in the drinking water supply.
On the ...
The recent revelation that the man most responsible for the myth that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction — Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, a.k.a “Curveball” — lied should forever put that falsehood to rest.
It was Curveball’s fabrications ...
Aside from the air we breathe, nothing is more important than the food and drink we consume. Not healthcare, not employment, not housing — nothing. Obviously, the best healthcare, the highest-paying job, and the biggest mansion in the world ...
Libertarianism, from A to Z by Jeffrey A. Miron
(New York: Basic Books, 2010); 198 pages.
More and more Americans are coming to realize that the liberal/conservative paradigm is deeply flawed. Disillusionment with Washington is at an all-time high. ...