Founded fifty years ago as National Public Radio, NPR — as it now always refers to itself — is a nonprofit media organization created by the federal government to replace the National Educational Radio Network ...
A recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision should serve as a model for transforming the United States into a free society. Here is what led to it.
On March 24, the Wisconsin governor, Tony Evers, a Democrat, ...
Democrats didn’t much care for presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, or George W. Bush — mainly because they were Republican presidents. Just as Republicans weren’t too fond of presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama — mainly ...
The Fine Wine & Good Spirits liquor stores are slowly beginning to reopen in Pennsylvania after they were all closed on March 17 in response to the spread of the coronavirus. On May 8, 77 ...
In addition to the federal government’s departments, such as Energy, Interior, and Education; and independent agencies, such as the CIA, FCC, and EPA; there exist government quasi-corporations, such as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the Federal Deposit Insurance ...
The United States may be the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” the “sweet land of liberty,” the “land of the noble free,” and a “city on a hill,” but it is, unfortunately, also a ...
In July 2017, after President Donald Trump had been in office for less than six months, Congressmen Al Green (D-Calif.) and Brad Sherman (D-Tex.) introduced in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives an article of impeachment (H. Res. 438) ...
Just as certain things are impossible in mathematics, accounting, chemistry, and physics, so also in economics.
Adding two even numbers together can never result in an odd number. Assets cannot but equal liabilities plus equities. Oil and water do not ...
During this time of national crisis over the coronavirus, scammers, fraudsters, hucksters, and assorted con men have come out of the woodwork.
According to the article “4 Coronavirus Scams That Could Cost You,”
Because so many people ...
Before Donald Trump indicated his support for the current coronavirus-relief program, he broached the idea of a payroll-tax cut.
In addition to the money withheld from paychecks for income tax, there are, thanks to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), ...