We are all familiar with drug-war raids, especially in the middle of the night, in which cops and DEA agents sometimes shoot and kill people and their pets during the course of the raid. One reason for this ...
Cuban-Americans are ecstatic over the protests erupting in Cuba against socialism.
What nonsense! With the notable exception of Cuban-American libertarians, many Cuban-Americans are no more against socialism than the average Cuban citizen is. They just want a pro-Pentagon, ...
The legal authorities have been rounding up suspects in the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. Criminal prosecutions will follow. If those accused are found guilty, they were be punished with long terms in jail.
Ironically, however, ...
Conservatives and progressives are at it again. They are attacking each other big time over whether Critical Race Theory should be taught in secondary schools and colleges and universities. The fundraising appeals are flying, as each side exhorts ...
In the wake of protests by thousands of Cuban citizens, the U.S. government and its rightwing supporters are pointing to Cuba’s socialist economic system as the root cause of suffering by the Cuban people. The Cuban government, on ...
The leftist mindset that brought America our welfare-state way of life never ceases to amaze me. Of course, we have become so accustomed to this way of life that hardly anyone pauses and gives thought to the reasoning ...
On the heels of our very successful online Zoom conference in April and May on “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination,” we now wish to do another ...
While I was watching a recent video on the New York Times website about an inmate at the Pentagon’s and CIA’s torture and prison center at Guantanamo Bay, I was struck by the fascinating artistic talent displayed by ...
Imagine a massive nuclear exchange between the United States and China. That obviously would not be a pretty sight for the people of either nation. As the mushroom clouds arose over both nations, imagine thinking to yourself: “All ...
Have you watched the presentations from our recent online conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination”?
I carefully organized this conference as a prosecutor would in a criminal prosecution. Therefore, it’s helpful if you watch ...