Our online Zoom conference “Restoring Civil Liberties” is turning out to be one of the best conferences in our 32-year history here at The Future of Freedom Foundation. I know I’m biased, but I truly believe ...
Given President Biden’s decision to succumb to the CIA’s demand for continued secrecy of the CIA’s 60-year-old Kennedy assassination-related records, this would be a good time to remind ourselves of how President Kennedy felt about this type of ...
With President Biden succumbing to the CIA’s demand to continue keeping the CIA’s records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret, the question naturally arises: What is the CIA still hiding? (See my blog post of yesterday entitled “
Before I address President Biden’s decision last Friday to continue the national-security establishment’s cover-up of its November 22, 1963, regime-change operation in Dallas, I wish to make one thing perfectly clear: I am not Nostradamus.
Yes, I ...
As I have repeatedly emphasized, in order to achieve a genuinely free society, it is necessary to dismantle or abolish infringements on liberty. If all we do is reform infringements on liberty, we have done nothing to achieve ...
Some commentators are pointing out that former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, who recently passed away, played an instrumental role in the U.S. invasion of Iraq in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Attempting to bolster President ...
As part of our ongoing conference series “Restoring Our Civil Liberties,” viewers will have the privilege of watching two great presentations tonight: George Leef and Radley Balko.
A regular columnist for Forbes.com, George is director ...
A commentary in the New York Times today demonstrates how different libertarians are from conservatives. The article, entitled “How Not to Reform the IRS,” is written by Pete Sepp, president of the National Taxpayers Union. Founded ...
With the baseball playoffs upon us, now would be a good time to talk about how economic regulation suppresses free speech. Major league baseball — and, specifically, its exemption from federal antitrust laws — provides a good example ...
With the October 26 deadline only two weeks away for releasing the 60-year secret records of the CIA relating to the Kennedy assassination, the silence from the mainstream press is deafening. The great mainstream defenders of transparency and ...