By this time, it should be sinking into everyone’s consciousness that the American people are never going to be permitted to see the rest of the CIA’s 60-year-old secret records relating to the JFK assassination.
Yes, I ...
Yesterday, I was listening to a classical-music station when NPR came on with the news. Addressing the controversy surrounding former President Trump’s efforts to keep secret his records relating to the January 6 protests at the Capitol, the ...
Now that President Biden has granted the CIA’s demand for continued secrecy of its 58-year-old Kennedy assassination-related records, it’s worth asking some important questions, ones that hardly anyone ever asks: What if a president really does pose a ...
FFF Civil Liberties Conference
We are now on the homestretch of our online Zoom conference “Restoring Civil Liberties.” Last week’s excellent presentation by Judge Andrew Napolitano has set the stage for our penultimate presentation by Ron ...
Last August, the Los Angeles Times published an article on the minimum wage by a college intern from Duke University named Caroline Petro-Cohen. The article took California Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder to task for calling ...
In the aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, some interventionists are ignoring the most important factor in the Afghanistan debacle: what motivated the terrorists to commit the 9/11 attacks.
Or, even worse, some interventionists continue to ...
NOTE: Our ongoing conference on civil liberties continues this evening with a presentation by the inimitable Judge Andrew Napolitano, one of the most ardent and eloquent defenders of civil liberties in our time. You don't want to miss this ...
One of the funniest aspects of President Biden’s decision to continue the CIA’s cover-up of the national-security establishment’s regime-change operation on November 22, 1963, has been the silent reaction of the mainstream media. Ordinarily, the CIA’s journalistic assets ...
I will never forget a formal dinner I attended shortly after the 9/11 attacks. It was sponsored by a conservative-oriented libertarian foundation. There were hundreds of people in attendance, mostly conservatives and conservative-oriented libertarians. There was no doubt about ...
Our online Zoom conference “Restoring Civil Liberties” is turning out to be one of the best conferences in our 32-year history here at The Future of Freedom Foundation. I know I’m biased, but I truly believe ...