The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide the constitutionality of New York City’s strict gun-control law. While the city permits the issuance of concealed-carry permits, they are rarely granted. That means that people in the city are prohibited ...
U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras has just sentenced Emma Coronel Aispuro to three years in jail. She’s the wife of noted Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who is serving a life sentence in a U.S. federal ...
With the debacle in Afghanistan, the American people have been presented with one of the greatest opportunities in our lifetime — an opportunity to dismantle the national-security establishment and restore our founding system of a limited-government republic. Opportunities like ...
Note: I am giving an online presentation tonight on "Economic Liberty and the Constitution." My talk is part of the Constitution Day Celebration sponsored by the Freedom Library in Yuma, a libertarian organization in Yuma that has long been ...
A recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times points out that while undergraduate students “largely reject the Republican Party, they are not supportive of the Democrats either.” The article goes on to state that a “a ...
Just recently I was thinking that at the very least, libertarians have made progress in causing people to see that inflation is caused by the government — specifically the Federal Reserve — and not by the private sector.
On this day 58 years ago, President John F. Kennedy was gunned down on the streets of Dallas. Almost immediately, federal officials enunciated what has become known as the lone-nut theory of the assassination. It holds that a ...
The controversy over motive with respect to the 9/11 attacks twenty years ago is as relevant today as it was back then.
After the 9/11 attacks, U.S. officials immediately announced that the terrorists were motivated by hatred for ...
FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger gave the eleventh and final talk in our webinar “Restoring Our Civil Liberties.” Civil liberties are an essential prerequisite to a free society. Our American ancestors understood this important principle, which is why they ...
With President Biden’s order granting the CIA’s request for continued secrecy of its 60-year-old records retailing to the JFK assassination — on grounds of protecting “national security” — the question naturally arises: Why doesn’t the the CIA simply ...