Unfortunately, the massive death and destruction that the U.S. national-security establishment has produced in Ukraine with its political gamesmanship involving NATO and Russia is not the first time that its interventionism has produced such a horrific ...
Suppose that John, in an act of pure political gamesmanship, threatens to corner Peter. In response, Peter says to John, “If you corner me as part of your political game, I will shoot and kill Mary. So don’t ...
While American statists are cheering the U.S. government’s sanctions on Russia, 71-year-old John Hanick shows us how the cheers are also for the destruction of the rights and liberties of the American people. That’s because U.S. officials have ...
It would be tempting to conclude that the outpouring of concern and support for the Ukrainian people among American statists, especially those writing news articles, op-eds, and editorials in the mainstream press, reflects the giant awakening of conscience ...
According to Yahoo! News, “More than two dozen foreign policy experts have called for the United States and NATO to institute a partial no-fly zone over Ukraine, which would serve as an escalation of the conflict with Russia.” ...
Let’s examine winners and losers in the Ukraine crisis. Let’s start with the losers.
The biggest loser are the people of Ukraine. They are being killed, injured, and maimed by the Russian invasion of their country. The invasion ...
According to the Washington Post, “The United States has warned the United Nations that it has credible information showing that Moscow is compiling lists of Ukrainians ‘to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation,’ according ...
As longtime readers of my blog know, I have long maintained that it is the national-security branch of the federal government that runs the government, especially when it comes to foreign affairs. The other three branches, while being ...
There is no doubt that President Kennedy would have handled the Ukraine crisis totally different from the way that President Biden has handled it. Unlike Biden, Kennedy would have resolved the situation so that there never would have ...
As most everyone knows, the hatred that U.S. officials have for Julian Assange has no bounds. For years, they have relentlessly and obsessively done everything they can to destroy, isolate, persecute, prosecute, incarcerate, torture, and hound the guy ...