Why should the Kennedy assassination matter to every single American? Join FFF president Jacob Hornberger as he addresses that question.
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Amidst all the pontificating by President Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, a question naturally arises: Why the U.S. aggression against Cuba?
Oh, sure, one can argue that a brutally enforced economic ...
There is no question but that the war on drugs has produced death, suffering, ruination of lives, official corruption (i.e., bribery), violence, gang wars, drug cartels, drug lords, overfilled prisons, destruction of civil liberties, kidnappings, arbitrary seizure of ...
Last week, I received an email from a conservative-oriented libertarian who suggested to me that it is disloyal to “side with Russia” because Ukraine was “just sitting there” when it was invaded by Russia.
Are you kidding me? ...
As predictable as thunder following lightning, former CIA director Robert Gates recently declared that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s increasing assertiveness demonstrate the need for the U.S. government to remain an ever-growing, more powerful national-security state. Gates’s declaration ...
Those who have read my books The Kennedy Autopsy and The Kennedy Autopsy 2 know that the U.S. military establishment conducted a fraudulent autopsy on President Kennedy’s body on the very evening of the ...
Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger is going ballistic over comments made by fellow congressman Rand Paul and Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson that supposedly suggest a support of Russia in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war.
Never ...
On the surface of things, it appears that Russia is at war with Ukraine. But Russian president Vladimir Putin is saying that in actuality it is the United States that is warring against Russia and is simply using ...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought to the forefront the NATO treaty to which the United States is a party. President Biden and the Pentagon have steadfastly maintained that a Russian attack on any NATO member automatically obligates ...
This past weekend I was at Virginia Military Institute celebrating my 50-year graduation reunion. It was a super nice weekend, not only for the memories it stirred up but especially for the opportunity to interact with guys with ...