Faced with public outrage over the soaring prices of gasoline, food, and other items, President Biden has announced his intention to combat inflation. At the same time, monetary experts in the mainstream press are weighing in with their ...
One of the popular mantras of the pro-choice crowd in the abortion debate is “My body, my choice.” The notion has been that government has no legitimate role in interfering with what a person decides to do to ...
What is the greatest threat to the freedom and well-being of the American people? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger addresses that question in this week's Libertarian Angle.
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As I have long argued, a system of immigration controls necessarily comes with an immigration police state. Warrantless searches of farms and ranches near the border. Domestic highway checkpoints. Roving Border Patrol checkpoints. Immigration raids on private businesses. ...
There is a reason why totalitarian dictatorships shut down organizations like The Future of Freedom Foundation. They understand the dangers of truth and sound ideas on liberty. They understand that truth and sound ideas on liberty can sweep ...
For the past 25 years, the Pentagon has moved inexorably toward admitting Ukraine into NATO, which would then permit the Pentagon to install its nuclear missiles in Ukraine — that is, on Russia’s border. Thus, the Pentagon has ...
With revelations that U.S. national-security state officials assisted their counterparts in Ukraine to kill Russian generals and also to sink a Russian ship, it is becoming increasingly clear that the United States has been a combatant in the ...
If John Kennedy were president today, there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because of two things: (1) Kennedy’s unique ability to step into the shoes of an adversary in an attempt to resolve ...
Why should the Kennedy assassination matter to every single American? Join FFF president Jacob Hornberger as he addresses that question.
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Amidst all the pontificating by President Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, a question naturally arises: Why the U.S. aggression against Cuba?
Oh, sure, one can argue that a brutally enforced economic ...