One of the fascinating consequences of public (i.e., government) schooling is that it molds the minds of children in such a way that by the time they become adults, their minds inevitably mirror whatever narrative the authorities happen to ...
Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times published an op-ed entitled, “Why Does the Pentagon Give a Helping Hand to Films Like ‘Top Gun’?” by Roger Stahl, a communication studies professor at the University of Georgia and director ...
Jacob Hornberger discusses his new book Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, and how the lessons of Kennedy's foreign policy apply to U.S. foreign policy today.
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American conservatives, especially the Pentagon and the CIA, have to be in a state of ecstasy over an article about Cuba that appeared in last Sunday’s Washington Post. The article stated that “in a nation plagued ...
Pope Francis is taking the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church to task for supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Francis told Patriarch Kirill not to be “Putin’s altar boy.”
Out of the goodness of his heart, President Biden has just lengthened our leashes when it comes to Cuba. Isn’t that just so nice? Isn’t it great to live under a nice, benevolent democratically elected dictator rather than ...
Once again, with the shooting massacre at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York, we are able to see the disastrous consequence of gun-control laws. Ten innocent people dead and three others wounded.
The response of the gun-control ...
In a fascinating public melding of mindsets, the U.S. leftwing media and rightwing media have come together to denounce opposition to the $40 billion aid package that Congress is getting ready to approve for the Ukrainian government.
I received an insightful email in response to my blog post yesterday, where I pointed out how people lost trust in the Supreme Court a long time ago. I pointed out the judicial deference to the ...
At a conference sponsored by three conservative organizations, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas claimed that people are losing trust in the Supreme Court. That’s not exactly true. That ship sailed a long time ago. The truth is ...