My blog post yesterday, “School Vouchers Are Anti-Libertarian,” stirred up quite a number of critical comments on Twitter.
There were three major points that the critics made, which, they maintained, was why libertarians should support them: ...
It stands to reason that conservatives would support school vouchers. That’s because conservatives, even while using pro-freedom lingo, support reforming, not dismantling, the welfare-warfare state way of life.
But what’s with libertarians who support school vouchers? Why ...
In a few days, Americans will be celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Amidst the hot dogs and the fireworks, it’s worth pondering the principles that Jefferson enunciated in that document.
The Declaration states that people have been endowed ...
I grew up on a farm a few miles outside Laredo, Texas, which is located on the U.S.-Mexico border. Our farm was situated on the Rio Grande, so we irrigated our fields from water taken from the river. When ...
With Turkey now removing its objection to Sweden and Finland joining NATO, it is a virtual certainty that the two countries will join this Cold War dinosaur military alliance. In practical terms, that means that the lives of ...
Yesterday, I wrote about the deaths of 46 immigrants, who died of dehydration in the back of a tractor-trailer in Texas. The immigrants had illegally entered the United States. They were being illegally transported when they ...
Last week, I delivered a talk entitled “Open Minds on Open Borders” at PorcFest, the annual libertarian festival held in Lancaster, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Free State Project.
In my talk, I pointed out that ...
Today, I will be at PorcFest, the annual summer festival held at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster, New Hampshire.
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At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the police inaction during the mass killing of children in a public school in Uvalde, Texas, provides one more argument against gun control: You just can’t count on the police to ...
Republicans are licking their chops over the Federal Reserve’s ostensible plans to raise interest rates aggressively in the months ahead to combat soaring prices. They view a coming big recession as a grand opportunity to win control over ...