One of the benefits to the U.S. national-security establishment of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that it has enabled the U.S. mainstream press to focus on the evils of the Russian regime rather than on the evils of ...
In the wake of another mass shooting, this one in Uvalde, Texas, there have been the standard, predictable calls for gun control. The idea is that if more stringent gun-control laws are enacted, there will be fewer mass shootings.
That’s ...
In this week's Libertarian Angle, Jacob Hornberger, Richard Ebeling, and Jim Bovard discuss federal intimidation and federal inflation. Join us in a lively discussion of these two issues.
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One of the big problems we face in America is the unwillingness of all too many Americans to identify and confront evil within their own government, especially when that evil is centered within the Pentagon and the CIA, ...
The mainstream media is reporting that President Biden is offering a trade deal to the Russians. If they will give him Brittney Griner, he will give them Viktor Bout.
Who is Viktor Bout? He’s an international Russian ...
The rank hypocrisy among conservatives in the Brittney Griner case continues apace. Yesterday, the conservative Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by a man named Gregg Opelka, who expressed sympathy with Griner. He hopes that “she ...
Both conservatives and progressives are lamenting the soaring prices in the American economy. Not surprisingly, many of them are blaming the problem on Covid and, of course, on Russia. If only Covid hadn’t hit and if only Russia ...
Yesterday, the New York Times carried a news analysis entitled “On U.S. Foreign Policy, the New Boss Acts a Lot Like the Old One.” The article made a very simple point: When it comes to foreign ...
What was Nobel Prize-winning libertarian economist Milton Friedman's impact on the libertarian movement? Join FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling as they discuss this issue.
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According to an article on the website Alternet, “Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner is calling for a “criminal investigation” into the U.S. Secret Service‘s deleted text messages” relating to the congressional investigation into the January 6 ...